помогите с английским
Комментарий к следующему утверждению: Наша жизнь значительно обогатилась бы, если бы в мозг вживили чип, позволяющий нам говорить на любом языке, который мы пожелаем. Однако эта идея может иметь и некоторые недостатки.
Что вы можете сказать за и против этой идеи? Напишите эссе на 120-180 слов, используя приведенный ниже план.
Параграф 1: Введение (сформулируйте проблему) Параграф 2: Приведите аргументы «за»
Параграф 3: Приведите аргументы «против» Параграф 4: Сделайте вывод 3AKPBITB II
вот эссе:
The idea of a chip with all languages is certainly a tempting idea and has many good qualities. With these qualities one could communicate with any person on the planet. This is not an indisputable fact, but there is another side to this coin, which makes the project almost impossible.
This is the human brain and body. You ask me why? I will tell you. The human brain is practically not studied; it is a fragile organ in its consistency. Also, he cannot immediately accept a foreign body, even if the operation is successful, he will not be able to accept a huge amount of information at a time, otherwise mental illness and memory lapses, or loss of reason may occur to a lesser extent. It may happen that a person forgets how to breathe or how to use his body, as the head will be loaded with other kinds of information. But this has not yet been proven, since no official attempts to do such a study have been recorded. Therefore, it can be prevented now.
On the positive side, this is the fact that at this time science does not stand still. Everything moves forward and does not stop.
It is better to learn the language yourself and not invent simplifications for yourself.