Перевести и обратить внимание на последовательности времени.

1. I didn't know you were busy either. 2. He told me
that he knows three foreign languages. 3. The teacher
asked us how many new words there are in the eleventh lesson. 4.
friend called me and said that he was sick and would not be able
to come to class. 5. He asked us how long it usually takes us to get to the factory, 6. Did he tell you when he would return from work?
7. He told me that
he would be very busy today. 8. I am sure that you will be
healthy soon. 9. He said he couldn't do this
job because he didn't have time. 10. He said I
should do it right away. 11. He asked us which of us
could speak German. 12. He said that he had never
been to Omsk. 13. I heard that you are leaving Moscow.
14. He replied that he would be released as soon as he finished translating
the article.