Task 1. Reading. Read the text and write TRUE or FALSE. A white-water adventure If you like adventure and doing something different, a holiday white-water rafting might be for you. Kazakhstan is a great place to try it. White-water rafting sounds like it’s dangerous, but there lots of rivers for every level of experience - from beginners to advanced. Even children can try it, if they are with adults. For beginners, the River Ili is a good place to start. The river is wide and flows at about 5 km per hour. Rafts carry up to ten people and white-water rafting organizations. Of course, you will get wet, so you should wear a swimming costume under your clothes and you need a life jacket and helmet, because you could fall out of the boat, but getting wet is part of the fun. Rafting is a great sport. It increases your energy and it helps exercise your upper body. The other advantages are that you often see parts of the countryside you can’t visit any other way and see wildlife along the river. Once you have some experience, you might want to try more difficult rivers, such as the River Charyn in the Tien Shan range of mountains. And you may want to go on a white-water rafting expedition. 1. White-water rafting on rivers is too difficult for children. 2. A group of nine people can go on a raft. 3. You don’t always get wet white-water rafting. 4. You should only wear a swimming costume and a life jacket. 5. It’s a good sport for your arms and shoulders. 6. The River Charyn is not very difficult to white-water raft on.
1. White-water rafting on rivers is too difficult for children. - FALSE
- White-water rafting sounds like it’s dangerous, but there lots of rivers for every level of experience - from beginners to advanced.
2. A group of nine people can go on a raft. - FALSE
- Rafts carry up to ten people and white-water rafting organizations.
3. You don’t always get wet white-water rafting. - FALSE
- Of course, you will get wet.
4. You should only wear a swimming costume and a life jacket. - FALSE
- You should wear a swimming costume under your clothes and you need a life jacket and helmet.
5. It’s a good sport for your arms and shoulders. - TRUE
6. The River Charyn is not very difficult to white-water raft on. -FALSE
- Once you have some experience, you might want to try more difficult rivers, such as the River Charyn in the Tien Shan range of mountains
1. Сплав по бурным рекам слишком сложен для детей. - Неправда
- Сплав по бурным рекам кажется опасным, но есть множество рек для любого уровня подготовки - от новичков до продвинутых.
2. На плоту может отправиться группа из девяти человек. -Неправда
- Плоты перевозят до десяти человек и организацию сплава по порогам.
3. На рафтинге не всегда промокнешь. - Неправда
- Конечно, промокнешь.
4. Вы должны носить только купальный костюм и спасательный жилет. - Неправда
- Под одеждой следует надеть купальный костюм, а также спасательный жилет и каску.
5. Это хороший вид спорта для ваших рук и плеч. - Правда
6. Река Чарын не очень сложна для сплава по бурным рекам. -Неправда
- Когда у вас будет некоторый опыт, вы можете попробовать более сложные реки, такие как река Чарын в горной цепи Тянь-Шаня.