Предмет: География, автор: soffixxz

география 5 класс доклад земная кора верхняя часть литосферы


Автор ответа: i1lka1
По мере продвижения вглубь Земли увеличиваются температура и давление. В центре Земли находится ядро, его радиус около 3500 км, а температура более 4500 градусов. Ядро окружено мантией, ее толщина около 2900 км. Над мантией расположена земная кора, толщина ее колеблется от 5 км (под океанами) до 70 км (под горными системами). Земная кора – самая твердая оболочка. Вещество мантии находится в особом пластическом состоянии, это вещество под давлением может медленно течь.
Автор ответа: fatimakamet


Земля имеет сло­и­стое стро­е­ние.

Вы­де­ля­ют три круп­ных слоя:

1.     Земная кора.

2.     Мантия.

3.     Ядро.

Зем­ная кора – верх­няя часть ли­то­сфе­ры, внеш­няя твер­дая обо­лоч­ка Земли.

Зем­ная кора со­сто­ит из гор­ных пород и ми­не­ра­лов.

Вы­де­ля­ют два типа зем­ной коры: 

1. Кон­ти­нен­таль­ная (она со­сто­ит из оса­доч­но­го, гра­нит­но­го и ба­заль­то­во­го слоев).

2. Оке­а­ни­че­ская (она со­сто­ит из оса­доч­но­го и ба­заль­то­во­го слоев).

На ман­тию при­хо­дит­ся 67% всей массы Земли и 87% ее объ­е­ма. Вы­де­ля­ют верх­нюю и ниж­нюю ман­тию. Ве­ще­ство ман­тии может пе­ре­ме­щать­ся под дав­ле­ни­ем. Внут­рен­нее тепло от ман­тии пе­ре­да­ет­ся к зем­ной коре.

Ядро – самая глу­бо­кая часть Земли. Вы­де­ля­ют внеш­нее жид­кое ядро и внут­рен­нее твер­дое ядро.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: yorkalya
Как можно сократить этот текст (только самое главное)? Помогите, пожалуйста. Нужно выучить, а мне это много учить.

When James Bond got back to his hotel room it was midnight. His windows were closed and the air-conditioning was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. He breathed in the air with relief, then had a shower and went to bed.
At 3.30 he was dreaming, not very peacefully when suddenly he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was coming from the window. Someone was moving behind the curtains. James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window. Someone was breathing behind the curtains. Bond pulled them back with one quick movement and saw a blond.
'Mary Goodnight!' Bond cursed. 'What the hell are you doing here?'
'Quick, James! Help me in!' she whispered.
Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window. At the last moment her foot was caught in the curtain and the window made a loud noise. Bond cursed again.
Mary Goodnight whispered, 'I’m terribly sorry, James!'
'Sh! Sh!' said Bond, and quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. He turned on the light and the shower. They sat down on the side of the bath. Bond asked again. 'What the hell are you doing here? What's the matter?'
'James, I was so worried. A message has come this evening. A top KGB man, using the name Hendriks, is staying at this hotel. I knew you were looking for him, but he knows you're here. He's looking for you!'
'I know,' said Bond. 'That man's here right now. Mary, did they say if he has got a description of me?'
'No, he hasn't. You were just described as secret agent James Bond.'
'Thanks, Mary. Now I must get you out of here. Don't worry about me, OK?
'OK, James.' She stood up and looked into his eyes: 'Please take care, James.'
'Sure, sure.' Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. 'Now, come on.'
A voice came from the darkness of the bedroom: 'This is not your lucky day, Mr Bond. Come here both of you. Put your hands behind your necks!'
Scaramanga walked to the door and turned on the lights. His golden gun was pointing directly at James Bond.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Асем7771