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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: skaylovich
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The tendency of culture is, and will probably continue to be, towards science and away from art and literature...
I imagine that a hundred years hence every fairly educated person will know a good deal of mathematics, a fair amount of biology, and a great deal about how to make machines. Education, except for the few, will become more and more what is called "dynamic", i.e. will teach people to do, rather than to think or feel. They will perform all sorts of tasks of extraordinary skill, but will be incapable of considering rationally whether the tasks are worth performing...
The daily press, presumably, will be killed by broadcasting. A certain number of weeklies may survive for the expression of minority opinions. But reading may come to be rare practice, its place being taken by listening to the gramophone, or to whatever better invention takes its place. Similarly, writing will be replaced, in ordinary life by the Dictaphone.
If wars are eliminated and production is organized scientifically, it is probable that four hours' work day will suffice to keep everybody in comfort. It will be an open question whether to work that amount and enjoy leisure, or to work more and enjoy luxuries; presumably some will chose one course, some the other. The hours of leisure will no doubt be spent by most people in dancing, watching football and going to the movies. Children will be no anxiety, since the State will care of them; illness will be very rare; old age will be postponed by rejuvenation till a short time before death. It will be a hedonist's paradise, in which almost everyone will find life so tedious as to be scarcely endurable.