Составьте пожалуйста диалог на английском языке 10-15 предложений,включая «Many/ much/ a lot of»
- What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- Nothing special, just a cup of coffee with some sandwiches. Honestly, I like coffee so much than I can drink it several times a day!
- Seriously? But did you know that drinking a lot of coffee is extremely dangerous for your health?
- Yes, I heard that it's not very healthy, but I can't help drinking coffee, it's so delicious!
- It's important to know that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which have a negative effect on your body. It works as a stimulant and boosts alertness and energy. The downside is that drinking too much can cause insomnia.
- Does coffee really cause insomnia? I didn't know about it.
- What's more, caffeine stays in your system for many hours and can cause a spike in blood pressure and heart rate.
- Well, it has made me think about my diet. For many years I have been drinking large amount of coffee every day and I didn't entirely realise it is such an unhealthy product. But what about you? What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- In the morning I usually have porridge or omlette which are healthy enough to help me to get through the day.
(получилось немного больше, но я надеюсь это не проблема)