переведите текст с русского на английский в past simple "Ялта стала последним городом Крыма, куда вошла Красная армия. 17 ноября 1920 года в неё вступили части 51-й Перекопской (Московской) стрелковой дивизии 1-й конной армии Южного фронта. Советские руководители считали, что в Ялте буржуазии, собравшейся в ней со всей России, было больше, чем в любом другом городе Крыма. Сюда, считали они, «эксплуататорские классы» завезли неисчислимые богатства и только быстрота красного наступления помешали вывезти их за границу." пожалуйста
Yalta became the last city of the Crimea, where the Red Army entered. On November 17, 1920, units of the 51st Perekop (Moscow) Rifle Division of the 1st Cavalry Army of the Southern Front entered it. .Soviet leaders believed that there were more bourgeoisie in Yalta, gathered in it from all over Russia, than in any other city of the Crimea. Here, they believed, the "exploiting classes" brought incalculable wealth, and only the speed of the red offensive prevented them from being taken abroad.
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Yalta became the last city of the Crimea, where the Red Army entered. On November 17, 1920, units of the 51st Perekop (Moscow) Rifle Division of the 1st Cavalry Army of the Southern Front entered it. The Soviet leaders believed that there were more bourgeoisie in Yalta, gathered in it from all over Russia, than in any other city of the Crimea. Here, they believed, the "exploiting classes" brought incalculable wealth, and only the speed of the red offensive prevented them from being taken abroad.
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