Предмет: История, автор: petyup

Какие политические идеи сформировали революции 1848 года в Европе
Какое название получили революции 1848 года? ........


Автор ответа: КосмическийРобот


«Весна народов»


Идеи Просвещения, сформировавшиеся в XVIII в., начали свое медленное, но необратимое шествие по Европе. Революции несли обновление в политику и в общественную жизнь европейцев. Они привели к замене феодальных порядков капиталистическими, ограничили власть абсолютных монархов. Поэтому революционные события, охватившие большинство стран Европы, получили название «Весна народов».

dkazmukhambetov: правильно ❤
islam232353: 1. весна народов
2. парламент
3. традиция
4. франция республика, пруссия отмена
повинностей, австрия конституция
5. июньское восстание: 24 февраля..., в
6. верно, неверно, неверно.
7. первая.., начало.., государственное..
8. мировой...., не урожай...
9. поражением..., индустриальной...,
германия и Италия
это правильно
islam232353: я сам проверял
КосмическийРобот: все ответы верны
omarovasania81: спасибо большое
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Прочитайте текст о школе, написанный от лица Карины (Karina). Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1 – 7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not Stated).

I was sitting next to Missy in my world history class. Mrs. Bartlett announced a new project. At Mrs. Bartlett’s classes we learnt about cultures of different countries. In groups, we had to choose any country and make a newspaper about its culture.
Mrs. Bartlett asked us to write the names of three friends on a piece of paper. She promised us to form the project groups according to the names. There were not many sociable people in the class, and Missy was one of them. I wrote her name on my piece of paper.
The next day, I was nervously looking forward to the history class. After the bell rang, Mrs. Bartlett started to call out names. Missy was in group three. Mrs. Bartlett called other names. My name was not there. Then I heard it. The last group: “Mauro, Juliette, Richard, Karina.” How could I be in that group – Mauro couldn’t speak English properly, Juliette always wore long skirts and never jeans, and Richard wore strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be with my friends!
I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. She looked at me and knew what I was there for. “I know what you want, Karina,” she said, “but your group needs you. I want you to help them to get good marks on this task. Only you can help them.” I was surprised.
“Will you help them?” she asked.
“Yes,” I replied. I couldn’t understand why I said it, but I did.
I bravely walked to my group. I sat down and we started. We shared different newspaper articles according to our interests. In a week, I was enjoying the company. It was interesting to learn something about my group mates.
Mauro, I discovered, was trying hard to learn how to speak English language correctly. Juliette was along. Her parents didn’t let her wear short skirts or jeans because of her religion. Rachel wanted to be a clothes designer. She suggested lots of excellent ideas for out project. Actually, there was nobody to care enough about these students, but Mrs. Bartlett. She wanted to support them and show up the abilities of her students. I learnt a lot that week. Mrs. Bartlett gave me the opportunity to see other people in a new light.in fact, who we are is more important then what we are.
After that history project, I always got a friendly hello from my group mates. And I was always happy to see them.

The history project was about the foreign countries’ culture.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated
Karina wanted to be in project group with her friend Missy.
1) True 2) False 3) Not Stated
3. The pupils were going to do their projects in groups of three.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated
4. Karina was the best pupil in her history class.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated
5. Mrs. Bartlett wanted Karina to be the leader in the project group.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated
6. Karina’s group mates could hardly find any ideas for their project.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated
7. All the pupils from Karina’s group got excellent marks for their project.
True 2) False 3) Not Stated