помогите пжпжжпжпп (номер 1 и 2)
Номер 1
1)Were, wasn't
2)was, was
3)Were, was, wasn't
Номер 2
Stopped,came,met,made,found,tried, gave, was, spent, ate.
1) 1 A: WERE you at the doctor's yesterday?
B: No, I WASN'T at the hospital
2 A: Where WAS John last night?
B: He WAS at Mary's house
3 A: WERE they happy when they moved to their new house?
B: Yes, Tina WAS, but John WASN'T
2) 1 stop - stopped
2 come - came
3 meet - met
4 make - made
5 find - found
6 try - tried
7 give - gave
8 be - was
9 spend - spent
10 eat - ate
ВАЖНО! В вопросительных предложениях прошедшего времени перед YOU всегда стоит WERE, но когда на это предложение дается ответ, то там пишется WAS
Например: Were you at the school yesterday?
No, I wasn't.