Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним

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Даулет, Ильяс, Руслан и Валихан из контрольной работы«2», «3», «4», «5» - да, - ответил он. Известно, что Руслана копировали у Ильи, но он не копировал тщательно. Валихан не справился ни с одной задачей.
Даулет справился с заданиями лучше всех. Кто получил какую оценку?
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Автор ответа: arishaahs






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Registering as Unemployed

Information about registering for unemployment benefit in Russia, and the documents required...

If eligible to receive unemployment benefit, the status of unemployed (безработный) must be applied for. This can be granted to anyone who is older than 16; ready and able to start performing suitable work; without any current work or income (including pensions); and is looking for a job.

To apply for unemployed status the steps are:

The individual has to register as unemployed (preliminary registration) in the employment centre (служба занятости).

To apply, the minimum documents required are as follows:

• Passport

• labour card (трудовая книжка) – a record book that documents an individual’s employment history

• documents about professional qualifications

• documents about the average salary from the last three months of employment.

All documentation should be officially certified (signed and stamped) by the institution issuing them. People who are looking for their first job and do not have professional qualifications need only to submit a passport and certification of the level of education achieved.

1. The employment centre must provide the individual with suggestions for a job suitable for the registered qualifications. Certain terms are set for re-assessment procedures, which the person has to comply with.

2. If the above stage of finding a job does not produce any results, the individual is then registered as unemployed and is entitled to receive benefits for a maximum of 12 months, during which time the job search must continue, either through the centre or independently.

3. If during the first 12 months the person is not able to find a job, an application can be made to be re-registered for another term of 12 months and to continue receiving unemployment benefits.