переделать предложения из прямой речи в косвенную
1. «I never watch horror films” Mike said.
2. “It is difficult to make a good report” the journalist said.
3. “There will be many famous people at the festival” the newspaper said.
4. “The accident took place at ten in the morning” the newsman said.
5. “Many important questions were discussed at the conference” the president said.
6. “They will highlight the news tomorrow” the man said.
7. “We are working on the new TV programm now” the showman said.
8. “This film has become a success” the actor said.
срочно нужно
1. «I never watch horror films” Mike said.
Mike said that he never watched horror films.
2. “It is difficult to make a good report” the journalist said.
The journalist said (that) it was difficult to make a good report.
3. “There will be many famous people at the festival” the newspaper said.
The newspaper said there would be many famous people at the festival.
4. “The accident took place at ten in the morning” the newsman said.
The newsman said that the accident had taken place at ten in the morning.
5. “Many important questions were discussed at the conference” the president said.
The president said that many important questions had been discussed at the conference.
6. “They will highlight the news tomorrow” the man said.
The man said they would highlight the news the next day.
7. “We are working on the new TV programme now” the showman said.
The showman said they were working on the new TV programme at that moment.
8. “This film has become a success” the actor said.
The actor said that film had become a success.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную в главной части предложения временная форма глагола сохраняется в неизменном виде (said), а в придаточной части работает правило «шага назад» или так называемое правило согласования времен. Оно гласит, что при переводе прямой речи в косвенную время в предложении меняется на то, которое ему предшествует.