Составить диалог надо используя травмы , которые даны в первой колонке и советы , которые даны во второй колонке

- Hello there! I'm a doctor.
-Hello, he said.
-I advise you to stand in line and look at the places where you are ill.
-Hello my back was burned what can I do?
-Hello, let me put some cream on your back.
-Okay, thanks, I think the pain is a little subdued. Good-bye.
-Goodbye !
-Hello, my head hurts so much what can I do ?
- Hi, you need an aspirin.
- Okay, thanks for the advice.
- Hello, my muscles hurt what advice can you give?
- You don't have to go to the gym tonight .
- All right, I'm not going today .
- Well, good-bye," he said.
- Good-bye, Thank you very much!
- Hello there! I'm a doctor.
-Hello, he said.
-I advise you to stand in line and look at the places where you are ill.
-Hello my back was burned what can I do?
-Hello, let me put some cream on your back.
-Okay, thanks, I think the pain is a little subdued. Good-bye.
-Goodbye !
-Hello, my head hurts so much what can I do ?
- Hi, you need an aspirin.
- Okay, thanks for the advice.
- Hello, my muscles hurt what advice can you give?
- You don't have to go to the gym tonight .
- All right, I'm not going today .
- Well, good-bye," he said.
- Good-bye, Thank you very much!