Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Dimchanskii

Решите пожалуйста по алгебре логарифмы



Автор ответа: Аноним

1) а) 3-6у>0; у<3/6; у∈(-∞;0.5)

б)(х-4)(х+4)>0;  решим неравенство методом интервалов.


+            -            +

у∈(-∞;-4)∪ у∈(4;+∞;)

в) х²-х-6>0; по Виету корни левой части равны -2 и 3, решим неравенство методом интервалов.


+            -                +

у∈(-∞;-2)∪ у∈(2;+∞;)

г) (5+2х)/(1-х)>0, решим методом интервалов; корни левой части х=-2.5; х=1


-               +                    -


2) а) если основание больше единицы, то логарифмическая функция возрастает, поэтому первое число больше второго, т.к. 7.3 больше 3.7;

б) если основание меньше единицы, но больше нуля, то логарифмическая функция убывает, поэтому, т.к. 7.3 больше 3.7, то первое число меньше второго.

в) 1- это логарифм пяти по основанию 5, функция возрастает. аргумент первого числа 3 меньше аргумента второго числа 5, значит, первое число меньше второго.

г) функция убывает, а 1=логарифм 1/5 по основанию 1/5, поэтому т.к. 3 больше 1/5, то первое числоменьше второго.

Dimchanskii: Получается во втором задании б- 3,7 будет больше чем 7,3?
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помогите с переводом плиз !!!

Переведите предложения.

1. She stood listlessly, her head dropping upon her breast. 2. She rose from the bed and removed her coat and stood motionless, her head bent, her hands clasped before her. 3. Pale-lipped, his heart beating fast, Andrew followed the secretary. 4. Jack sat silent, his long legs stretched out. 5. The speak¬er faced the audience, his hand raised for silence. 6. He sat down quickly, his face buried in his hands. 7. Clyde sat up, his eyes fixed not on anything here but rather on the distant scene at the lake. 8. She hurried along, her heels crunching in the packed snow.

Переведите предложения.

1. Не slowly and carefully spread the paper on the desk, with Lowell closely watching. 2. She was standing on the rock ready to dive, with the green water below inviting her. 3. Twenty minutes later he came out of number seven, pale, with his lips tightly compressed and an odd expression on his face. 4. Little Oliver Twist was lying on the ground, with his shirt unbuttoned and his head thrown back. 5. The girl wandered away, with tears roll¬ing down her cheeks. 6. The moonlit road was empty, with the cool wind blowing in their faces. 7. She sat on the steps, with her arms crossed upon her knees. 8. Then, with her heart beating fast, she went up and rang the bell. 9. Little Paul sat, with his chin resting on his hand. 10. He stood, with his arms folded. 11. Lanny stood looking at the lorry rolling away, with his cheek burning and his fists clenched. 12. She stood there, with her brows frowning, her blue eyes looking before her. 13. He leant a little forward over the table, with his wrists resting upon it. 14. And then came the final moment, with the guards coming for him.