Предмет: Литература, автор: artemsurupov82

Чем закончилась дуэль Печорина с Грушницким?

А)Товарищи пошли на мировую.

Б)Печорин стрелял, но промахнулся.

В)Печорин убил промахнувшегося Грушницкого.


Автор ответа: danielgalytskyi


Печорин убил промахнувшегося Грушницкого (В)


В случае отказа от выстрела он обещал зарезать его из-за угла

Автор ответа: exiaome6pro3
В) Печорин убил промахнувшегося Грушницконо
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Andrew2304
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Long, long ago there lived a travelling monkey-man.He went from place to place with his monkey and showed the animal's tricks to people.
One evening the man came home and told his wife to send for the butcher the next morning.
The wife asked her husband, “Why do you want me to send for the butcher?”
“The monkey is too old and forgets his tricks. I beat him as hard asI can* but he doesn’t dance well.I must sell him to the butcher.”
The woman was very sorry for the little animal and asked her husband not to sell the monkey but the man did not want to listen to her.

The monkey was in the neighbouring room and heard every word. He understood what the man wanted to do with him and thought, “How cruel my master is! Didn’t I serve him well all my life?* And now he wants to sell me to the butcher because I’m too old.”
The monkey did not know what to do. Then he thought of a wise bear who lived in the forest. He went out of the house and ran to the bear. He found him at home and began his story.
“Good Mr. Bear, I know that you are very wise and you can help me. I’m old now and cannot dance well and my mas ter wants to sell me to the butcher.”
“Did your master tell you so?”
"Oh no, he didn’t, but he told his wife and I heard it. I know how wise you are. Please, help me.”
The bear was pleased to hear such words and decided to help the monkey.
“Hasn’t your master a baby?” asked the bear. “Oh, yes,” said the monkey “He has a little son.”
“Doesn’t his baby lie near the door in the morning when your mistress begins her work in the house? Well, I shah come to your house and when nobody is near the child, I shall take it and run away with it.” •
“What then?” said the monkey.
“Don’t you understand? Before the mother calls your master, you must run after me and save the child and take it home to its parents. ”
The monkey thanked the bear and went home. He did not sleep much that night. He got up very early and waited. Soon the master’s wife opened the door,’put her child near it and began to prepare the breakfast.
The child was playing in the sun. Suddenly there was a noise at the door and a loud cry from the child. The mother

ran out of the kitchen and saw the bear running away with her child. She cried out and then ran into the room where her hus band was still sleeping. He sat up slowly and asked what all the noise was about. When the man understood what his wife was telling him, they both ran out. The bear was far away, but they saw the monkey running after the bear as hard as his legs could cany him.*
The man and his wife did not know how to thank the good monkey when he brought the child back to them.
“There!” said the wife. “This is the animal you want to kill, the animal that saved your child.”
“You’re right, wife,” said the man, carrying the child into the house. “You may send the butcher back when he comes, and now give us all a good breakfast and the monkey too.”
When the butcher came they sent him away and the mon key lived the rest of his days in peace and his master never beat him again.
Предмет: Технология, автор: dianka20003
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: marina1435
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: elizavetkasokolova20
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Зима. Царство снега и мороза. Одна из его великолепнейших картин - это зимнее утро. Как хорошо проснуться утром и почувствовать начало нового зимнего дня! Проснешься, спрыгнешь со своей кровати, подбежишь к окну – и твои глаза сразу же ослепляет океан хрустально-чистого снега. Он, словно дорогая ткань, блещет и переливается под скупыми лучами зимнего солнца. Деревья на улице тоже в тяжелой дорогой одежде. Пышно и вместе с тем как-то загадочно стоят они, окутанные белой рыхлой тканью. На ветках некоторых деревьев развешаны кормушки. Снегири, воробьи и другие птицы прилетают туда подкрепиться. Приятно и весело наблюдать за шумной суетой птиц! Утром может пойти снег. Иногда он густой, пушистый, а еще может едва искриться на солнце. Тогда, кажется, что с неба сыплется легкое и почти незаметное серебро - и все утро из-за этого становится праздничным. Очень приятно быть на улице зимнего утра, дышать его чистым морозным воздухом!