Предмет: Химия, автор: biokilostation

Органическое вещество представляет собой нелетучую, высококипящую
жидкость со слабым характерным запахом, с водой смешивается в любых
соотношениях. Его используют в качестве антифриза при противогололёдной
обработке самолётов. При сжигании 11,4 г этого вещества было получено
10,08 л углекислого газа (н. у.) и 10,8 г воды. Установите молекулярную
формулу вещества и определите его строение, если известно, что оно
реагирует с натрием, а при дегидратации под действием серной кислоты
превращается в соединение, содержащее шестичленный цикл. Напишите
уравнение дегидратации (в уравнении используйте структурные фформулы
органических веществ).


Автор ответа: dasshtrudel


Пропандиол 1,2


Масса компонентов в углеводороде будет равна

С - (10,08/22,4)*12=5,4 H - (10.8/18)*2=1,2

В сумме 5,4+1,2=6,6, а исходник 11,4 значит он кислородосодержащее

Теперь находим процентное соотношение каждого компонента

С - (5,4/11,4*12)=0,0394

H - 1.2/11.4=0.105

O - (11.4-6.6)/(11.4*16)=0,0263

Находим общий делитель - 0,013

Теперь коэффициенты элементов

С - 0,0394/0,013=3

H - 0.105/0,013=8

O - 0.0263/0,013=2

C3H8O2 - это пропиленгликоль

Межмолекулярная дегидратация на примере пропиленгликоля (пропандиола 1,2)


Demidovaalla: не могли бы вы помочь с химией, пожалуйста, если у вас есть свободное время, то да
biokilostation: Спачибо вам большое!
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5. Present simple. Complete the text with the negative form of the verbs in brackets.
Romeo and Juliet
Two families, the Montagues and Capulets, live in Verona, Italy, but they a) ......... (get on) with each other. Romeo, son of Montague, thinks he is in love with Rosaline, but unfortunately she b) ......... (love) him. He goes to see her at a party at the house of his enemy Capulet, but there he sees Juliet, Capulet’s daughter. She c) ......... (know) his name because he has a mask. Tybalt, one of the Capulet family, tries to fight with Romeo, but Capulet d) ......... (allow) this. Tybalt e) ......... (agree) with him, and f) ......... (forgive) Romeo for coming to the house. Romeo manages to talk to Juliet, and he kisses her. They g) ......... (understand) that their families are enemies. When Romeo learns the truth, he h) ......... (care) that his love for Juliet could be very dangerous. Later he goes back to the house and stands in the garden. Juliet is standing on the balcony talking to herself about Romeo, but i) ......... (see) him below in the garden. After he talks to her, they soon show their love for each other, and agree to get married. However, they j) ......... (realize) that a terrible tragedy is about to happen.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
1. The guided tour (start) ……… in half an hour.
2. We (take) ………the bus to the airport tomorrow morning.
3. What time (the Edinburgh train / leave) ……… ?
4. They (go on) ……… holiday in June this year.
5. When (the hotel / close) ……… for the winter?
6. The next course (start) ……… on 15th September and it (not finish) ……… until February 21st.
7. When (you / come) ……… to London again?
8. What (she / do) ………this summer?
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
Ferdinand Magellan ………(be) a Portuguese sailor who ……… (want) to sail around the world. Emperor Charles V of Spain ……… (give) him five ships and two hundred and sixty-five Spanish sailors. They ……… (leave) Spain on the 20th of September 1519 and ……… (begin) their long and dangerous journey.
On the journey, Magellan ……… (discover) the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, he and many of the sailors ……… (die) in a battle on 27th April, 1521. after that, a Spanish sailor ………(take) control of the ships and ... …… (set off) to complete the voyage. Only one ship and sixteen men ………(survive) the journey. They ……… (arrive) back in Spain on 6th September, 1522. They ………(be) the first men to sail around the world.