Предмет: Биология, автор: am6414226

Какой русский биолог выявил сходство примитивных морских животных, показав, что ряд животных является переходной формой, имеющей признаки позвоночных и безпозвоночных животных? *​


Автор ответа: nnnyyyy3508


А.О. Ковалевский

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 2Лилия1
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Dear David, I'm wr iting to you to tell you how much I like my new school. I iike everything: the teachers, my new friends and the food there. Everybody is very nice and I feel quite at home now. I like our classrooms too. They are nice with large windows, comfortable desks and carpets on the floors. I think our school has got a wonderful name. It's called Halliford School. Our Headmaster's name is John Crook. He is a very nice man and he is also our maths teac her. Halliford School is a private school. Classes begin at 8.50. School is over at 3.55. My friends an d I usually meet at half past eight. I join them in the school yard before classes and we talk, play, sing and laugh a lot. Our lunch time is from 12.40 till 1.50. We study on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We never have classes on Saturday and Sunday.
There are many subjects on our timeta ble.
They are: English, Maths, History, Geog ­
rap hy, Handicrafts, P. E., Music, Arts,
Computing. I think they all are very
inter sting and 'N y important. We have three
term : . utumn term, Spring term and
Sum mer term. -,
We usu all y wea r uniforms at our school. It . is a navy b ue blazer ['bl IZ8] with the schoo l c r.,,,",," I I ·t t / )ac ge on I , grey rousers, a grey or ' It' a white sh irt, gre ' socks, black shoes and a tie. When it is cold w ~; wea r pullover l' pul,JUV8Z! and coa ts. I have a special -, unilor in for my football and P. E. classes. 1'111 sending my school .') rules to you. We don't have many, but those which we have I think :: are very important. .~ We mus t wear uniform s ancl not be late for school and classes. -, We rnu t have pens, p neils, ru lers, rubbers, exercise-books, our .. diaries and all the necessary book, for our cla ss , We must hand . :"' in ' our homework on time. We mustn' t moke at school, and if.we ~.; have bicycle , we rnus t ke"p them in a good tate of repair" and we ~ must behave at al l times with courtesy. can, ideralion an d comr.- man sense." which is not always easy you under ta nd. But I'm sure my life here will be more interesting than it was in my primary school. I am older loa. I am twelve now. We spend ITlU .h time ouldoor . Sometimes our teacher take us to famous museu ms and other interest ing places in Lon on. Our tea hers often say that pupils at school are not onl y to lea rn the lessons and work (usuall y in the class rooms, pract i.al rooms or laborator ies