Помогите пожалуйста завдання в профиле

4 (нужно исправить ошибки)
1. There are three cats under the tree.
2. These pencils are mine.
3. I'm afraid of dogs.
4. I don't like to eat salmon (salmon - лосось - в данном случае обозначает еду, является неисчисляемым сущ.).
5. Those children are from my class. (child - children)
6. Liz put three knives on the table. (knife - knives)
7. These horses are beautiful.
8. Don't take the balls, they are dirty. (местоимение должно быть во множ. числе, как слово balls)
9. You can see a lot of fish here. (fish - fish)
10. This box is empty. (Местоимение this и глагол is использованы в форме ед. числа, значит нужно слово box)
11. Look at this baby, he is sleeping.
12. These toys are new and interesting.
13. Read this text aloud, please.
5 (нужно изменить предложения из ед. во множ. число. Для этого меняем местоимения, существительные и формы глаголов)
1. They have got oranges in their hands.
2. My uncles are taxi-drivers.
3. These are my favourite scarves.
4. Those are beautiful women.
5. We have got Swiss watches.
6. They are horror stories.
7. Put those boxes on the tables.
8. My neighbours usually buy .... (пропущено что-то) in these shopping centres.
9. The puppies are chasing butterflies. (Щенки гоняются за бабочками)
10. The babies have new teeth. (tooth- teeth, зуб - зубы)
11. Are these your diaries?
12. Those pianos are broken.
13. The cows and their calves (коровы и телята) are in the fields.
14. Her photos aren't very good.
15. Those aren't bees, they are flies. (То не пчёлы, а мухи)
1 cats
2 pencils
3 dogs
4 salmon
5 children
6 knives
7 horses
8 ball
9 fish
10 box
11 baby
12 toys
13 text
1 they have got oranges in their hands.
2 our uncles are taxi- drivers.
3 these are our favourite scarfs.
4 those are beautiful women.
5 we have got Swiss watches.
6 they are horror stories.
7 put those boxes on the tables.
8 our neighbours usually buy in these shopping centres.
9 the puppies are chasing butterflies.
10 the babies have new teeth.
11 are these your diaries?
12 those pianos are broken.
13 the cows and their calves are in the fields.
14 their photos aren't very good.
15 those aren't bees, they are flies.