Предмет: История, автор: rodionberin

помогите пожалуйста
1) объяснить дату 776 год до н.э.
2) термины: атлет, панкратион, ипподром,
3) чем Олимпийские игры в Древней Греции отличались от современных.


Автор ответа: vangasyrzuhra


6 сентября 776 года до н.э.произошло

солнечное затмение, ошибочно считавшееся самой ранней подтвержденной датой в Китайской истории. На самом деле затмение было плохо видно в Китае, и записи следует соотносить с затмением 30 ноября 735 года до н. э.

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The UK is the shortened word of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales and Northern Ireland. Although Britain is a unitary state, the countries of in have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition.
England is predominantly a lowland country, with the Pennine Chain, the Cumbrian mountains and the Yorkshire moorlands in the north. Wales is a country of hills and mountains. Britain's highest mountain, Ben Nevis (1,343 Hi I 106 ft.) is in the central highlands of Scotland. Northern Ireland is at its nearest point only 21 km (13 miles) from Scotland.
Britain has frequent weather changes through the seasonal cycle of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year.
People in the four lands of Britain come from ancient sources:
• The ancient Celtic people who inhabited western and central Europe;
• The Angles, Saxons and Jutes – Germanic people who came to Britain from the third century
The ancient Celtic people who inhabited western and central Europe
Scots from Ireland who began to settle in Scotland in the sixth century
Exercise: The text is divided into 3 paragraphs, each with a different topic. Write the correct paragraph number (1-3) next to three paragraph topics below
The population————————–
General geography and location————————-
The climate————————————————–
The history—————————————————
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