Предмет: Английский язык, автор: filipovakira07bxbz

Read the statement and click True or False. ) Herman Melville was an American novelist, poet, and sailor who wrote the classic novel, Moby Dick. Herman Melville was born in New York on August 1,1819. His father's name was Allan Melville and his mother's name was Maria. Herman was the third of eight children. His brothers and sisters played an important role in his career as well as in his emotional life. Herman's education began in 1824 when he was five years old. Around the time, the Melvilles moved into a newly built house at 33 Bleecker Street in Manhattan. Herman attended Albany Academy from October 1830 to October 1831, where he took a standard preparatory course. In 1831, he had to leave school, as his parents couldn't pay for it. From the age of 18, Herman sailed as a cabin boy on a packet boat, then worked for a while as a teacher; in 1841, he went on the whaling ship "Acushnet" to the South Seas and was captured by the aborigines. Three years later, he got home and started a writing career. Melville wrote his main masterpiece "Moby Dick on the White Whale." "Moby Dick" became one of the most well-known novels of the XIX century. This novel is about a sailor Ishamael who wanted to catch a whale called Moby Dick. He was sure that this whale killed many sailors.
1.Herman Melville was born in Europe on August 1, 1819.
2. Herman attended Albany Academy from October 1830 to October 1831.
3.At the age of eighteen, Herman began to sail as a cabin boy on a packet boat.​

filipovakira07bxbz: 1. false 2. true 3. true
xekbvd: спасибо


Автор ответа: YcHeNik0707






eurnmssssz: да, это правильно
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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: оксанамуртузаева
Помогите пжста!!!! Русский 4 класс "упражнения и тесты" Узорова, Нефёдорова. Заранее всем спасибо. Жду от Вас решения.
1) Спишите предложения. Подчеркни однородные члены (подлежащее-одной чертой, сказуемое двумя и.т.д)
А)Ветер срывал с деревьев красные и жёлтые листья и весело играл с ними.
Б)Река текла среди лугов, среди холмов, выделывала сложные петли.
В)Могучий дуб и высокая, стройная сосна рядом росли на большой поляне.
Г)На лугу зацвели колокольчики, лютики, васильки и другие цветы и наполнили луг чудесным ароматом.
Д)Утром,днём, вечером и ночью не прекращают свою работу военный завод, выпускает патроны и снаряды для фронта.

2)Расставь знаки препинания и подчеркни однородные члены.
А)Стройные но прочные колонны окружали дворец и поддерживали галерею и балконы и крышу
Б)Я налил в стакан не тёплую а холодную воду и растворил в ней таблетку и медленно выпил.
В)Брат и сестра пойдут вечером на каток или в кино.
Г)Мы можем сварить на обед кашу или картошку или макароны и пожарить котлеты или рыбу.
Д)Костя работает не быстро, а тщательно и делает немного, но хорошо.