Write a program that will ask the user for 3 products and their prices to be input (carefully choose appropriate data type and variables, total of 6 variables for input). After getting the input display a heading and then the products and prices in well-organized format.
Part 2: Add the following to the above program.
-Ask the user to enter how many items of each of the three product you want to purchase(integer variable)
-Calculate the total for each product
-Calculate the sub total for all product
-Calculate 13% tax by multiplying sub total by 0.13
-Calculate the total by adding subtotal and tax
-Display all information like an invoice
PL/SQL is a modern, block-structured programming language. It provides several features that make developing powerful database applications very convenient. For example, PL/SQL provides procedural constructs, such as loops and conditional statements, that are not available in standard SQL.
You can directly enter SQL data manipulation language (DML) statements inside PL/SQL blocks, and you can use procedures supplied by Oracle to perform data definition language (DDL) statements.
PL/SQL code runs on the server, so using PL/SQL lets you centralize significant parts of your database applications for increased maintainability and security. It also enables you to achieve a significant reduction of network overhead in client/server applications.