Предмет: Литература, автор: artempanov8824

почему Пушкин делает Онегина убийцей Ленского? ​


Автор ответа: ramazanmavanchan7


Ленский – юноша восемнадцати лет, друг Онегина, практически его противоположность, погибает от руки товарища. Случайно ли этот персонаж прощается с жизнью в романе, ведь он так молод, мечтателен, полон надежд и романтических мыслей?

Автор характеризует Ленского как человека с прекрасными задатками. Ему присуще “благородное стремленье и чувств, и мыслей молодых, высоких, нежных, удалых”, “жажду знаний и труда и страх порока и стыда”.

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Переведите пожалуйста английский текст в прошедшее время очень надо срочно! прошу, вот текст:
Mrs Carter: Kelly Smith, you are late for my class again. What's happened this time?
Kelly: I'm sorry, Mrs Carter. I just overslept and missed the school bus.
Mrs Carter: OK, since you honestly admit it's your fault and you
haven't invented any silly excuses; I'll let you come in and join the class.
Kelly: Thank you, Mrs Carter.
Mrs Carter: Actually, I'm considering calling your parents, Kelly, to tell them about
your coming late. I haven't done that yet since I don't want to disappoint them. But I think I'll have to since I'm not happy with your progress in French, either.
Kelly: I'll do my best to catch up with the class, Mrs Carter, I promise.
Mrs Carter: I feel that you haven't been working hard lately. Something is distracting you from studying. What is it, may I ask?
Kelly: Well, actually, you are right, Mrs Carter. We, three other girls and I, formed a band three months ago. We've been rehearsing like mad since then. We play pop and rock music and we are going to take part in the town music contest next month. When we win, I promise I'll get back to the lessons.
Mrs Carter: Look, Kelly. Since you've always been a bright student, I can tolerate this outrageous situation for two more weeks. But I'm not going to put up with anything like this in the future, OK?
Kelly: Thank you for understanding, Mrs Carter.
Mrs Carter: What are you rehearsing for the contest, by the way?
Kelly: Oh, we'll be singing two songs we've written ourselves, and a remake of the old hit "Kansas City".
Mrs Carter: "Kansas City"?
Kelly: Yes. I'm sure you remember it. Your group got first prize for it in the
National School Band Contest about twenty years ago. It hasn't been performed since then, but we've heard the recording, and we want to bring it back to life. Your expert advice would be very much appreciated, Mrs Carter...
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним