Предмет: Физика, автор: ringoo2017241

Висота рідини в першому капілярі у 3 рази більша, ніж у другому. Порівняйте радіуси капілярів. с решением пожалуйста.


Автор ответа: umitbaevakarlygas


Объяснение: V1 = n * R³ * hi V2 = п* R3 * h2 Но т.к. радиус основания первого цилиндра в 4 раза больше радиуса основания второго, то R1 = 4* R2, тогда: V1 = = п * (4R2)2 * h1 V2 = n * R3 * h2 Так как объемы цилиндров равны, то 1 = 1, тогда: V 167 * R3 * hi 16h1 = V п* R3 * hz = h₂

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Mertonik
Помогите перевести . A blacksmith's son , Michael faraday was born near London on September 22 , 1791. His family was too poor to keep him in school long . At the age of 13 Michael began working as an errand boy in a , bookshop.
A year later he became an apprentice to a bookbinder . Both these jobs helped him to develop a passionate interest in books . Faraday was also able to attend some public lectures by the world-famous chemist Sir Humphrey Davy. He attended the lectures with great enthusiasm and soon asked Davy to give him work as an assistant . Davy employed Faraday as a laboratory assistant . Though Michael's salary was smaller than the one he had earned as a bookbinder , he was very pleased to work in a scientific laboratory .
From now on Faraday could devote practically all his time to research in science . He made a lot of experiences , and produced several new kinds of optical glasses that greatly improved the telescope. His discovery of benzene , which he separated from oil gas , found world-wide application . He discovered the law of electrolysis , etc. But the problem of electricity and magnetism interested him above All. Faraday wanted to know if electricity could be made with the help of a magnet ? First he produced a current in a wire by a magnet , then , in 1831, he showed that an electric current could induce another current in a different circuit . This discovery of the electromagnetic induction later became the basis of all modern electrical engineering.
Faraday was one of those men who made possible the age of electricity . He measured the electric current for the first time . He also made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials. Faraday founded the theory of electric and magnetic fields and made great contribution into the development of electro - magnetic theory of light .
All his life faraday was poor . He believed that a scientist could not serve science for money. Although faraday enjoyed world - wide popularity , he remained a modest man and wanted neither high titles nor prizes for his numerous discoveries
Предмет: История, автор: lilit241106