интересные факты о канаде на английском языке
Canada has the most lakes in the world.
Canada is the most educated country.
The most popular sport in Canada is ice hockey.
Most of the freshwater lakes are located in Canada.
31% of Canada is taken up by forests.
20% of the world’s fresh water is in Canada.
Canada has more lakes than all other countries combined.
There are 1,453 airports in Canada.
About 2 km under Sudbury, Ontario is the world’s deepest underground lab, SNOLAB.
Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world.
The world’s first UFO landing pad was built in 1967 in St. Paul, Alberta.
«Loonies» and «toonies» are commonly used names for 1$ and 2$ coins.
Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha! is the only town in the world with two exclamation marks.
9.5 million of Canada’s 34.9 million people speak French.
«A Mari usque ad Mare» (from sea to sea) is Canada’s official motto.
In Saskatchewan a hoodie is called «a bunnyhug».
«A bluenoser» is a term used for people from the province of Nova Scotia.
«Colour, behaviour, labour» - Canadian words are spelt the British way, rather than the American way.
Canada’s longest place name is Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Lake.
1835 is the year of the first known use of the term «Canuck», referring to a Canadian.
100$ bills are rumoured to smell of maple – the Bank of Canada denies this.
80.5% of Canadian homes have Internet.
The number of points on the Canadian flag’s maple leaf is 11.
1982 is the year Canada officially became its own country.
License plates in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories are shaped like polar bears.