Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним




Автор ответа: MaryFairy211


1 for (for ages - уже много лет / с давних пор)

2 needs (этот глагол никогда не употребляется в Continuous)

3 saw (увидела - быстрое действие в прошлом)

4 Has Tom finished his homework yet? (yet - маркер Present Perfect)

5 as expensive as (такая конструкция для сравнения)

6 make (вспом. глагол did используется в сочетании с инфинитивом, образуя Past Simple)

7 avoid travelling (после avoid всегда используется герундий)

8 Have you ever been to London? (Present Perfect для описания пережитого опыта, то есть мы спрашиваем бывал ли человек в Лондоне за всю свою жизнь до наст. момента)

9 very few (=очень мало)

10 wasn't strong enough (не смог нести тяжелый чемодан, потому был недостаточно силён)

Задание 5 см. во вложении

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: добряк4
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: avatar23455
I. Заполните пропуски одним из местоимений, приведенным в скобках:

1) Does .... like this book? (she, they, her, we)
2) I’m sure I know .... (he, his, its, him)
3) Is that .... car ? (you, yours, your, him)
4) Is it their car ? – No, .... is yellow. (their, them, its, theirs)
5) A few months ago I met an old friend of .... (my, me, mine, him)
6) He rang Mary and invited .... to dinner. (she, it, her, hers)
7) My father is fat, .... weighs over fifteen stone. (she, him, he, his)
8) John showed .... the book. (his, it, its, him)
9) Can you give .... some more cake ? (his, my, me, mine)
10) If you see Tom and Jane, give ..... my love. (they, their, it, them)
11) I like that camera. I’m going to buy … . (her, it, him, his)
12) I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of … . (they, it, them, she)
13) We are staying at a very nice hotel. …. room is very comforta-ble. (my, their, our, we)
14) That is not my umbrella. … is blue. (her, mine, my, our)
15) I’m talking to you. Please listen to … ! ( me, you, them, us)

II. Закончите предложения местоимениями him/her/it/them.
Образец: I don't know those girls. Do you know them ?

1) I don't know that man. Do you know ..... ?
2) I don't know Bob's wife. Do you know ..... ?
3) I don't know his friends. Do you know ..... ?
4) I don't know Mr. Brown. Do you know ..... ?
5) I don’t know the answer. Do you know ….?
6) I don’t know their colleague. Do you know ….?
7) I don’t know that woman. Do you know ….?
8) I don’t know her neighbour. Do you know ….?
9) I don’t know her brother. Do you know ….?
10) I don’t know that place. Do you know ….?

IV. Заполните пропуски походящими по смыслу местоимениями.

1) I had many English books. I read .... every day.
2) Kate is my friend. I often meet .... in the office.
3) We are students. This is .... classroom.
4) Ben and Nick, open .... books at page 9.
5) Take this book and read .... at home.
6) Read these words and learn .... well.
7) With .... do you usually speak about your work ?
8) I don’t know .... . What’s his name ?
9) Take the dictionary. – It’s not my dictionary, it’s .... .
10) This is a photo of a modern shop. .... windows are wide and
11) .... magazine is over there ? – It's mine.
12) .... is your cousin ? – A journalist.

VII. Вставьте подходящий артикль, где необходимо.

1. It’s … very difficult question. 2. We stayed at … expensive hotel. 3. … sky is blue and … sun is shining. 4. Britain is … industrial country. 5. We live in … old house near the station. It’s two miles from … centre. 6. Britain is … island. 7. What is … largest city in Canada? 8. This is a nice room, but I don’t like … colour of … carpet. 9. You look tired. You need … holiday. 10. Do you live near … sea? 11. We decided to go for … walk in … evening. 12. Ann can play … piano. 13. Don’t sit on … floor. It’s very dirty. 14. When I saw him yesterday he was in … hurry. 15. … Dogs should eat meat. 16. … Coffee is produced in Brazil. 17. You can’t visit … London without seeing … Buckingham Palace. 18. My father always comes from … work late. 19. Have you ever read … Times? 20. Let’s meet at … lunch.

VIII. Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме. Переведите.

1. The weather … good today. 2. Yesterday the weather.... fine, but tomorrow it.... nasty. 3. George.... a student. 4. We.... on duty today. 5. The houses on this street … very old. 6. All students.... present today. 7. My grandparents.... pensioners. 8. This woman.... a housewife. 9. Tomor-row there … an interesting film on TV. 10. We.... proud of our achieve-ments. 11. The doctor.... busy with the patient. 12. It.... the worst weather anyone remembers. 13. I.... sure he will come in time. 14. She.... late for the lesson last Monday. 15. It.... kind of you to help this blind man. 16. These shoes.... just her size. 17. I don’t remember what his telephone number …. 18. When I came home yesterday, all my family … at home. 19. Why … you so angry yesterday? 20. The lesson.... over soon and you.... free.

Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним