Предмет: Английский язык, автор: balakinrom

Modern legal education is expanding both in quantity and in scope, and
university legal education has become dominant everywhere. The opportunities for
university and professional education in law increased greatly after World War II.
In England and Wales, for example, where before the war only the universities of
Cambridge, Oxford, and London produced significant numbers of law graduates,
there are now more than 50 academic law departments. A particularly noteworthy
development has been the increase in women law students, now consisting 30 to 40
percent of law students in most countries. The number of students admitted to law
schools in the United States tripled between 1961 and 1980. After that demand for
legal education began to level off and even decline.
Since the late 1960s universities in several countries have departed from the
rigidity of prescribed syllabi to allow a greater range of student choice in selecting
subjects. In most countries, more attention is paid to foreign legal systems,
transnational law, and to comparative law. In some countries non-legal subjects
have long been part of the syllabus; in others where law as a first degree
specialization has comprised only law studies, there has been a tendency to include
non-legal studies, joint courses in law and social sciences, or a more sociological
approach to law.
Most law schools are trying to find a middle path between being mere trade
schools or citadels of pure theory.
Ex. 1. Выпишите из текста все предложения в Present Simple Active Voice
Tense. Выделите сказуемое и переведите предложения.
Example: With new technology come new words.
Ex. 2. Выпишите из текста все предложения в Present Continuous Active
Voice Tense. Выделите сказуемое и переведите предложения.
Example: He is surfing on the Internet now.
Ex.3. Выпишите из текста все предложения в Present Perfect Voice Active
Voice Tense. Выделите сказуемое и переведите предложения
Example: The population of the world has increased over time.
Ex. 4. Выпишите из текста все предложения в Past Simple Tense Active
Voice . Выделите сказуемое в предложении и переведите их.
Example: The judge sentenced the vandals to do community service.
Ex. 5. Cделайте следующие предложения отрицательными.
1. A particularly noteworthy development has been the increase in women
law students.
2. The number of students admitted to law schools in the United States
tripled between 1961 and 1980.
3. There are now more than 50 academic law departments.
Ex. 6. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы к тексту № 1.
1. What universities produced significant numbers of law graduates?
2. Why did the demand for legal education in the USA begin to decline?
3. May the students in several countries have a choice in selecting subjects?


Автор ответа: polinabognibova

Ex. 1. In England and Wales, for example, where before the war only the universities of  Cambridge, Oxford, and London produced significant numbers of law graduates,  there are now more than 50 academic law departments. Перевод: Например, в Англии и Уэльсе, где до войны только университеты  Кембриджа, Оксфорда и Лондона выпустили значительное количество выпускников юридических факультетов,  в настоящее время существует более 50 академических юридических факультетов.

Ex. 2. Modern legal education is expanding both in quantity and in scope, and  university legal education has become dominant everywhere. Перевод: Современное юридическое образование расширяется как по количеству, так и по объему, и  университетское юридическое образование стало доминирующим повсюду.

Most law schools are trying to find a middle path between being mere trade  schools or citadels of pure theory. Перевод: Большинство юридических школ пытаются найти золотую середину между простой школой торговли или цитаделью чистой теории.

Ex. 3. Modern legal education is expanding both in quantity and in scope, and  university legal education has become dominant everywhere. Перевод: Современное юридическое образование расширяется как по количеству, так и по объему, и  университетское юридическое образование стало доминирующим повсюду.

A particularly noteworthy  development has been the increase in women law students, now consisting 30 to 40  percent of law students in most countries. Перевод: Особо примечательный  развитием стал рост числа студенток-юристов, которые в настоящее время составляют от 30 до 40 процентов студентов юридических факультетов в большинстве стран.

Since the late 1960s universities in several countries have departed from the  rigidity of prescribed syllabi to allow a greater range of student choice in selecting  subjects. Перевод: С конца 1960-х годов университеты ряда стран отошли от  жесткости прописанных программ, чтобы позволить студентам более широкий выбор при выборе  предметов.

In some countries non-legal subjects  have long been part of the syllabus; in others where law as a first degree  specialization has comprised only law studies, there has been a tendency to include  non-legal studies, joint courses in law and social sciences, or a more sociological  approach to law. Перевод: В некоторых странах неюридические предметы уже давно являются частью учебной программы; в других, где право как специализация первой степени включала только изучение права, была тенденция включать  неюридические исследования, совместные курсы по праву и социальным наукам или более социологический  подход к праву.

Ex. 4  The opportunities for  university and professional education in law increased greatly after World War II. Перевод: Возможности для  высшего и профессионального юридического образования значительно расширились после Второй мировой войны.

The number of students admitted to law  schools in the United States tripled between 1961 and 1980. Перевод: Количество студентов, допущенных к юридическим факультетам  количество школ в США утроилось с 1961 по 1980 год.

After that demand for  legal education began to level off and even decline. Перевод: После этого спрос на  юридическое образование стал выравниваться и даже снижаться.

Ex. 5  A particularly noteworthy development hasn't been the increase in women  law students.

The number of students admitted to law schools in the United States didn't  triple between 1961 and 1980.

There aren't more than 50 academic law departments now.

Ex. 6

1. The universities of Cambridge, Oxford and London produced significant numbers of law graduates.

2. Because before that the number of students admitted the law schools tripled between 1961 and 1980.

3. Yes, now they may have a choice in selectiong subjects.

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