Определить время и залог глаголов:
1-They were recommended to change the route
2-The grammar test will be written in a week
3-The cadets of our college are sent to this port every summer
4- The gas-carrier Chita was built Finland in 1990
5-The ship's position is defined by navigators with the help of modern navigational equepment
6-I shall be invited to the Maritime Museum next Sunday
7-This book is much spoken about
8-The Chief Engineer was asked how to repair the main engine
9-The Ship's position will be defined in some minutes
1-They were recommended to change the route. (Past Simple Passive)
2-The grammar test will be written in a week. (Future Simple Passive)
3-The cadets of our college are sent to this port every summer. (Present Simple Passive)
4- The gas-carrier Chita was built in Finland in 1990. (Past Simple Passive)
5-The ship's position is defined by navigators with the help of modern navigational equipment. (Present Simple Passive)
6-I shall be invited to the Maritime Museum next Sunday. (Future Simple Passive)
7-This book is much spoken about. (Present Simple Passive)
8-The Chief Engineer was asked how to repair the main engine. (Past Simple Passive)
9-The Ship's position will be defined in some minutes. (Future Simple Passive)
Все предложения содержат пассивный залог, который образуется при помощи глагола to be в нужной форме и смыслового глагола в форме Past Participle (для правильных глаголов это причастие образуется добавлением к инфинитиву окончания -ed, а для неправильных глаголов берём третью форму).