английский язык 5 класс соч

1. Its an electrician.
2. He have to fix shields and turn on light.
3. He have to move to houses.
4. He work alone.
5. I dont like because you have to move to houses and fix electric items and its danger.
1. Its a footballer.
2. He have to kick ball.
3. At the football station.
4. He work with the team mates.
5. I like because you have to kick ball, its cool.
1. Its a photographer.
2. He have to photography people.
3. At the parks.
4. He works alone without friends.
5. I don't like because its boring.
1. Animal healer.
2. She have to help animals.
3. At the hospital.
4. Alone.
5. I like it because you can see any animals like monkey or another.
1. Director.
2. She have to teach school and rule school.
3. At the school.
4. She works alone.
5. I like it because you can rule school and buy new items for school.