1. Я пытался испечь пирог, но он сгорел.
2. Я никогда не забываю сходить на рынок.
3. Я помню встречу с Джоном на вечеринке у Лизы.
4. Дежуривший охранник покинул свой пост.
5. Нам нужно торопиться, а то мы опоздаем.
6. Леонардо да Винчи продолжает вдохновлять художников даже сегодня.
7. Светило ли солнце когда мы приехали? - Да, светило.
8. Салли жила в Париже когда родила первого ребенка.
9. В прошлом году я часто ходил в театр.
10. Он вдруг понял что поезд отходит в 6:15.
11. Моя сестра ещё спала когда я встал.
12. Она порезала палец когда резала хлеб.
1. I tried to bake a cake but it burned out.
2. I never forget to go to the market.
3. I remember meeting John at Lisa's party.
4. The guard on duty left his post.
5. We need to hurry, or we'll be late.
6. Leonardo da Vinci continues to inspire artists even today.
7. Was the sun shining when we arrived? - Yes, it was.
8. Sally lived in Paris when she gave birth to her first child.
9. Last year I often went to the theater.
10. He suddenly realized that the train was leaving at 6:15.
11. My sister was still asleep when I got up.
12. She cut her finger while she was cutting bread.
1. I tried to bake a pie, but it burned down.
2. I never forget to go to the market.
3. I remember meeting John at Lisa's party.
4. The guard on duty left his post.
5. We need to hurry, otherwise we will be late.
6. Leonardo da Vinci continues to inspire artists even today.
7. Was the sun shining when we arrived? - Yes, the luminary.
8. Sally was living in Paris when she gave birth to her first child.
9. Last year I often went to the theater.
10. He suddenly realized that the train departs at 6:15.
11. My sister was still asleep when I got up.
12. She cut her finger when she was cutting bread.