помогите пожалуйста, я вообще не могу понять как это и что это
надо написать на каждое предложение 5 типов вопросов

1.The children live in the city
Who lives in the city ?
Where children lives ?
Is children living in the city ?
Is city good for children ?
Why children live in the city ?
2. Sasha often reads newspapers
Who often reads newspapers ?
Is Sasha often reads a newpapers ?
What Sasha is reading ?
Why Sasha is reading newspapers ?
Is newspapers good for Sasha?
3. Jill wrote the new article yesterday.
Is Jill wrote article yesterday ?
Why Jill wrote the new article yesterday ?
When Jill wrote his new article ?
What wrote Jill yesterday ?
Was it neccessary for Jill to wrote a new article yesterday ?
4. The parents were you in the garden.
Where was the parents ?
Why they was there ?
Was garden good for them ?
What are they doing there ?
Is they saw you from garden ?
5. People will read this information tomorrow.
When they will read this information
Who will read this information tomorrow ?
Why they will read this information tomorrow ?
Who will listen their information tomorrow ?
By whom was written this information ?