Пожалуйста помогите!!!!

1. they have never met before
2. my parents got married 20 years ago
3. I haven't seen my friends for ages!
4. I just made coffee, will you?
5. Henry sent a letter to his parents last week
6. he has not received an answer yet
7. I lost my phone yesterday and still haven't found it
8. he was so hungry that he ate everything in the refrigerator and fell asleep
1) They have never met before.
2) My parents got married 20 years ago.
3) I haven't seen my friends in ages.
4) I just made coffee, will you?
5) Henry sent a letter to his parents last week.
6) He hasn't received an answer yet.
7) I lost my phone yesterday and still not ours.
8) He was so hungry that he ate everything in the refrigerator and fell asleep.
1 - Present Perfect (раньше - прошлое время, результат настоящего)
2 - Past Simple (20 лет назад - действия произошли в момент прошлого, get меняется на 2 форму "got")
3 - Present Perfect (целую вечность - прошлое время, результат настоящего)
4 - Present Perfect (только что - результат настоящего, make -> made)
5 - Past Simple (на прошлой неделе - действия произошли в момент прошлого, send меняется на 2 форму "sent")
6 - Present Perfect (ещё - прошлое время с результатом в настоящем)
7 - Past Simple (вчера - действия произошли в момент прошлого, lose меняется на 2 форму "lost")
8 - Past Simple ( eat - ate )