діалог на тему My friendship
-How is your best friend Feride doing?
-Tell me about her!
-She is very brave, she will help in trouble and in difficult situations, she will help with advice and will never quit. She has brown eyes, a small and beautiful nose, lovely cheeks, full lips, graceful brown eyes. She always helps me with my lessons, she never refuses to have fun. Every weekend we go to the mall and shop, she is a very nice person! And your girlfriend?
-My friend's name is Diana. She loves animals. She has short red hair, just like a fox. She has emerald green eyes. She is sweet and kind. Sometimes we quarrel with her, but then our friendship becomes even stronger!
-I think our friends are the best!
-Hallo, Alex!
-Hallo, Yana!
-You think why friendship?
-Yes!!! This when we can trust each other and not worry about yourself because you have a trusting side that can support you at any moment in your life!
-Yes it was doubtful. When I very badly fell off the bike, it was difficult for me to get up and I was supported by friends who helped me to get up and walk home
-Thank for you!Byi!!!!
I am very proud of my friend.
Перевод: Дружба - это очень важно для меня. У меня много друзей. Моего друга зовут Сергей. У его очень хороший характер. Мы проводим много времени вместе. Мы ходим в кино, слушаем музыку и общаемся. Я очень горд моим другом.