Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним


Task 5 (25 points).

Как выполнять Speaking tasks – устные задания по английскому языку

Think about your family and describe your family members (orally). Record your answer (audio or video). Speak at least for 1 minute. Make full sentences using the Present Simple tense, constructions “have got” and “there is/are”, different pronouns, modal verb “can”, the possessive case, etc. Provide the transcript to support your answer.

Для получения максимального балла за задание вам необходимо предоставить письменный или печатный текст вашего устного ответа (transcript). Устное задание без текста ответа будет оценено в половину баллов от максимально возможного (при условии отсутствия ошибок). За письменный текст (transcript) без устного ответа баллы зачтены не будут, так как в первую очередь в данном задании оценивается навык говорения (Speaking).

The following questions will help you. It’s not necessary to answer all of them, just use them to think about what you will say and the language you will need.

How many people are there in your family?
What are their names?
How old are they?
What can they do?
What personal things have they got?
What do they look like? Describe their appearance (their height and weight/build, the length and colour of hair, the size and colour of eyes, nose, lips, ears, facial features, etc.).

Look at the example:

My granny’s name is Jessie. She is 55. She is quite tall and slim. My grandmother has got a round face. She’s got long wavy hair which was dark but it’s going grey now. She’s got a small turned-up nose, large green eyes and quite full lips. She’s got a beautiful headscarf which she always wears on her head. She can cook really tasty cakes!


Remember to use the Present Simple tense, constructions “have got” and “there is/are”, different pronouns, modal verb “can”, the possessive case, etc. Не забывайте использовать время Present Simple, конструкции have got и there is/are, разные местоимения, модальный глагол can, притяжательный падеж, и так далее.
Don’t forget that you should speak for at least 1 minute. Не забудьте, что ваш ответ должен длиться не менее 1 минуты.

Аноним: Срать
Аноним: Ой извини хорошо.
Аноним: оооооотт
Аноним: спать
Аноним: спать......
Аноним: спать
Аноним: спать
Аноним: ок понял ааа
Аноним: напиши мне 89872090061


Автор ответа: sheesh84
In my family are 4 peoples. There are mother father grandmother and me. Mother’s name is Katy, Father’s is name Piter, grandmother’s name is Alice and my is Stasy. My mom is thirty two years , my father is thirty three years old, my grandmother is 67 years old and I ten years old. My mom can cook food, do homework with me and work at the work. My father can earn money, play with me. My grandmother can cook food, play with me, do homework with me. They are have smartphones, money and jewerly.
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