Write essay aboyt profession пжпж
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The world of professions is an unusual world. Not just people live in this world, but representatives of different professions. Wonderful school years passed unnoticed. And today I am faced with a difficult question: "Who to be?" More and more new professions are constantly appearing in the world. Talking with my parents about my future, I realized that a person is responsible for his own choice.
A profession is a very important part of a person's life, and the more successful you make your choice, the more you will achieve something in the professional field, the more you will feel successful and happy.
Another of the most important principles for choosing a profession is that you like it. After all, the work that you do with pleasure you always do it easily, without feeling tired, and you do not notice the time spent on it.
There are no bad professions. All professions are good! And before choosing his own, a person must know what he wants.
The profession should not be heroic, highly paid, providing some kind of privileges, the main thing is that it should be creative and interesting, and then you will be guaranteed success.
Of course, in life it would not be bad to find "your" profession, the one that is closer to you, to your soul, so as not to suffer and not be killed all your life. But often we choose not what we want, but what we have to: despite the opportunity to choose, we boldly follow friends and thereby unconsciously ruin our lives.
I believe that you need to choose a profession not only with your heart, but also with your mind. Weigh the pros and cons". And most importantly, you need to listen to knowledgeable people (parents, teachers, etc.), and then make a decision on which your whole future life depends.