упражнение 1,2,3 пожалуйста

Упражнение 1.
wasn't raining
were you doing?
put on, left.
were making
didn't believe
was having.
Упражнение 2.
I saw Henry as I was cycling...
while we were preparing....it is started to rain
all my friends were leaving the party when I arrived.
as we were walking....we heard a shout.
we did not eat very much, while we were staying in the hotel.
I drank...while he was not looking.
she dropped her new phone as she was putting it in ....
I met ....while I was waiting.
Упражнение 3.
3. was fishing.
4.he did not see anything,but he felt ...
at first he thought that friends were playing a prank..
He turned round but nobody was there.
Then he realised what was happening.
James was carrying a knife....so he used it...
then he got out of the water and looked...
they were bleeding.
cleaned his leg....then he and his friends went...while they were enjoying,someone gave...because his leg was bleeding . he went to a hospital