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41 таблица

                                                      b1   b2   b3   b4   b5   bn   b8   b10
натуральных чисел кратных 5      5    10   15   20   25   5n   40   50
                                                        1     3     5     7    9   2n-1 15   19
кадратов натуральных чисел        1     4     9    16  25   n²     64  100
                                                         1    8    27    64 125 n³    512 1000
при делнени на 3 остаток 2           5    8     11   14  17  3n+2 26    32
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Read the text and match the words with definitions.
D.B. Cooper, also known as Dan Cooper, was a criminal who, in 1971, hijacked a commercial plane travelling from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington, and later parachuted out of the aircraft with the robbed money. The police carried out an extensive manhunt, but the hijacker was never identified or caught. Therefore, D.B. Cooper became one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in U.S history.
The man used the alias Dan Cooper, but, in the news reporting, a reporter misheard the name as D.B. Cooper, which became widely used.
At 2p.m. on November 24, 1971, the day before Thanksgiving, a "nondescript" middle-aged man of average height, dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, dark glasses and a black tie, bought a $20 ticket for Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305. He gave his name as Dan Cooper, which later turned out to be fake.
Shortly after takeoff from Portland, he handed a note to a flight attendant. She put this nte into her pocket but Dan said, “Miss, you’d better look at that note.” He claimed to have a bomb in his briefcase. He then proceeded to open the attaché case, which contained numerous wires, red sticks, and a battery. Cooper demanded four parachutes and $200,000 in $20 bills (worth about $1.2 million in the early 21st century).
After the plane landed in Seattle, Cooper gave freedom to the 36 passengers when he got the money and parachutes. However, he forced two pilots, a flight engineer, and a flight attendant to remain on the plane. After several minutes, he ordered the pilots to fly to Mexico City. Per his instructions, the plane flew under 10,000 feet. Around 8p.m., when the plane was flying, Cooper carefully collected all cigarette ends and his handwritten notes, and jumped. He then disappeared.
The FBI (the American police) launched “one of the longest and most exhaustive investigations” in its history.
Many speculated that Cooper did not survive. At that altitude the winds were more than 322 km per hour, and the parachute couldn’t have been steered. In addition, he could have landed in a heavily wooded area. In 2016 the agency officially closed its investigation.text
The unsolved mystery fascinated the country, and D.B. Cooper became something of a folk hero, inspiring numerous songs, books, and movies.
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