Предмет: Английский язык, автор: suro001

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!

1.Put the verbs into the correct past tense.
    1. Claire ...... (drive) along а сountry road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.
    2. While Lisa ...... (read) a book, her brother was listening to music.
     3. Sandra ...... (раint) for three years before she sold her first painting.
    4. Alex didn't go to the photogrаphic exhibition because he ...... (not/finish) his homework.
    5. The research team ...... (find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.     6. We often ...... (travel) to London when we were students.
    7. While she was feeding the baby her husband ...... (talk) on the phone.
    8. This time yesterday, we ...... (lie) on the beach sunbathing.

2.Choose the correct preposition.
      1. I feel nervous of/about my exams. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
      2. Have you heard from/of Pushkin? -Of course I have! I've read all his books.
   3. How was your trip to Sakhalin? It was good, but we didn't succeed about/in catching a big fish.
   4. Have you heard of/from Tom? -He called me a few days ago. He's just got back from Japan.
    5. I find it difficult to draw portraits! Don't worry, I know from/about experience that you get better with practice.
    6. Have you ever thought of/for having exhibition with your works? -Not really.

3.Fill in: mysterious, legend, ancient, horrifying, coast, monster.
   In the Mediterranean Sea, to the south of the Greek __1__________, lies the island of Crete. According to the __2__________, in __3__________  times, a creature called the Minotaur lived there. Half-man, half-bull, the Minotaur was truly __4__________. The king of Crete Minos, kept the Minotaur in a maze which had many __5__________, twisting passages. Every nine years, the King of Athens sent fourteen children for this strange-looking __6__________ to eat. Theseus, an Athenian hero took a magic ball of thread into maze with him, he found the Minotaur, killed it with sword, then found his way out of the maze using the thread to retrace his steps.

4.Choose the correct response.
   1. A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.
       B: a) That's a thought!
          b) What do you think this means?
   2. A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep.
        B: a) Poor you!
            b) That's a relief!
   3. A: Your dream might mean that you'll meet someone new.
       B: a) That's horrible!
            b) You can't be serious!​


Автор ответа: YSLmurda


I. Put the verbs into the correct past tense.

1. Claire was driving along а сountry road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

2. While Lisa was reading a book, her brother was listening to music.

3. Sandra had been painting for three years before she sold her first painting.

4. Alex didn't go to the photogrаphic exhibition because he hadn't finished his homework.

5. The research team found an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.    

6. We often travelled to London when we were students.

7. While she was feeding the baby her husband was talking on the phone.

8. This time yesterday, we were lying on the beach sunbathing.

II. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I feel nervous about my exams. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

2. Have you heard of Pushkin? -Of course I have! I've read all his books.

3. How was your trip to Sakhalin? It was good, but we didn't succeed in catching a big fish.

4. Have you heard from Tom? -He called me a few days ago. He's just got back from Japan.

5. I find it difficult to draw portraits! Don't worry, I know from experience that you get better with practice.

6. Have you ever thought of having exhibition with your works? -Not really.

III. Fill in: mysterious, legend, ancient, horrifying, coast, monster.

In the Mediterranean Sea, to the south of the Greek coast, lies the island of Crete. According to the legend, in ancient times, a creature called the Minotaur lived there. Half-man, half-bull, the Minotaur was truly horrifying. The king of Crete Minos, kept the Minotaur in a maze which had many mysterious, twisting passages. Every nine years, the King of Athens sent fourteen children for this strange-looking monster to eat. Theseus, an Athenian hero took a magic ball of thread into maze with him, he found the Minotaur, killed it with sword, then found his way out of the maze using the thread to retrace his steps.

IV. Choose the correct response.

1. A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.

  B: a) That's a thought!

       b) What do you think this means?

2. A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

   B: a) Poor you!

       b) That's a relief!

3. A: Your dream might mean that you'll meet someone new.

   B: a) That's horrible!

       b) You can't be serious!​

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1.Тише едешь__ дальше будешь.
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низки и покрыты соломой.
5. Нет решения.
Задание 7. Укажите номер предложения, в котором на месте
подчеркнутого пробела ставится только один знак препинания.
1. .Яркие декорации, гром музыки, рыжебородые злодеи, сжимающие
рукоятки мечей__ все это никак не походит на действительность.
2. Одиночество и тоска, разъедающая душу__ удел многих людей.
3. Птицы, зимующие у нас__ это синички, воробьи, вороны.
4. «Ты хороший человек, Алька!» __ присаживаясь на траву, задумчиво
проговорил Владик.
5. Нет решения.
Задание 8. Укажите номер предложения с союзом «КАК», в котором на
месте каждого подчеркнутого пробела запятая ставится.
1. Паша боялась секретарши __ как огня__ и три раза в день мыла полы.
2. Все эти поездки оформляются__ как служебные командировки.
3. Костер__ как кровавая рана в ночи.
4. Практичность__ как известно__ очень похвальная черта.
5. Нет решения.
Задание 9. Укажите номер предложения с прямой речью или цитатой, в
котором на месте подчеркнутого пробела должно стоять двоеточие.
1. Чехов говорил, что не верит в абстрактные понятия, а верит__ «в
отдельных людей, в определенные личности», хотя их и мало пока.
2. Я скажу__ «Не надо рая, дайте родину мою».
3. «Как глупо, как глупо!» __ бормотал он.
4. «А вы все-таки счастливы?»__ спросила Ольга Андреевна.
5. Нет решения.
Задание 10. Укажите номер сложного предложения, в котором на месте
подчеркнутого пробела запятая не ставится.
1. Благодаря тому _ что все складывалось так, как он задумал, Сергей
пребывал в прекрасном расположении духа.
2. Катя знает, что _ как только встречный пароход пройдет, Илюхин и
Сутырин еще долго будут говорить о нем.
3. То _ что случилось, никогда больше не повторится.
4. Какая-то мгла застилала небо, но _ откуда она взялась и куда двигалась,
сказать было трудно.
5. Нет решения.
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