Предмет: Обществознание, автор: gulnas131208

Проанализируй описанную ситуацию и ответь на вопросы.

Полицейский Кириллов отказал арестованному гражданину Абрамову в вызове адвоката, так как адвокат нужен только в суде.

Законно ли поступают участники описанной ситуации?


Кто из участников поступил неправильно?



Автор ответа: illariaamirova55

Ответ: нет , со стороны полицейского


гражданин имеет право на адвоката с момента задержания

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24. Переведите: Если бы ты вчера попросила эту книгу, я бы сегодня взяла ее с собой.

A) If you ask for this book yesterday, I took it with me today.
B) If you asked for this book yesterday, I shall take it with me today
C) If you asked for this book yesterday, I to take it with me today
D) If you had asked for this book yesterday, I should take it with me today
E) If you should ask for this book yesterday, I have taken it with me today
21. Переведите, используя Complex object: Саша слышал, как Натали поет в соседней комнате.

A) Sasha heard Natalie singing in the next room.
B) Sasha heard Natalie to sing in the next room.
C) Sasha heard how Natalie was singing in the next room.
D) Sasha heard Natalie was singing in the next room.
E) Sasha heard Natalie sing in the next room.

22. Переведите: Если бы я видела этот фильм позавчера, я бы тебе об этом сказала.

A) If I had seen this film the day before yesterday, I should have told you about it.
B) If I have seen this film the day before yesterday, I should have told you about it.
C) If I saw this film the day before yesterday, I should have told you about it.
D) If I seen this film the day before yesterday, I should have told you about it.
E) If I seen this film the day before yesterday, I should had told you about it.
19. Переведите, используя герундий: Я помню, что показывал ей письмо.

A) I remember being shown her the letter
B) I remember having been shown her the letter
C) I remember that I have shown her the letter
D) I remember showing her the letter
E) I remember having shown her the letter
15. Переведите на английский язык, используя модальный глагол: Может быть он дома, хотя вряд ли.

A) He might be at home.
B) He could be at home.
C) Maybe he is at home.
D) He will be at home.
E) He has to be at home.

16. Переведите на английский язык, используя герундий: Из- за того, что кольцо дорогое, никто его не берет.

A) Nobody takes the ring because it had been expensive.
B) Because of being expensive the ring isn’t taken by nobody.
C) Being very expensive the ring isn’t taken by nobody.
D) Because of the fact that the ring is expensive, it isn’t taken by anybody.
E) Having been expensive the ring isn’t taken by nobody.

17. Переведите: Я хочу, чтобы ты мне подстригла волосы.

A) I want my hair has been cut by you.
B) I want to have my hair cut by you.
C) Cut my hair. I want you to do it.
D) I want my hair have been cut by you.
E) I want to have my hair having been cut by you
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: dilfuzai86