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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kendy35912
Перевод!!Welcome to our guide to the UK. This is useful for anyone researching British culture, customs, manners, etiquette, values and wanting to understand the people better. You may be going to Britain on business, for a visit or even hosting British colleagues or clients in your own country. Remember this is only a very basic level introduction and is not meant to stereotype all Brits you may meet.
The British have been historically known for their stiff upper lip1. This attitude in the face of adversity or embarrassment lives on today.
As a nation, the Brits tend not to use superlatives and are not terribly animated when they speak. This does not mean that they do not have strong emotions; they just do not choose to put them on public display2. They are generally not very openly demonstrative, and, unless you know someone well, may not appreciate it if you put your arm around their shoulder. Kissing is most often reserved for family members in the privacy of home, rather than in public3. You'll see that the British prefer to maintain a few feet of distance between themselves and the person to whom they are speaking. If you have insulted someone, their facial expression may not change.
The British are very reserved and private people. Privacy is extremely important. The British will not necessarily give you a tour of their home and, in fact4, may keep most doors closed. They expect others to respect their privacy. This extends to not asking personal questions. The question, "Where are you from?" may be viewed as an attempt to "place" the person on the social or class scale. Even close friends do not ask pointedly personal questions, particularly pertaining to one's financial situation or relationships.
There is a proper way to act in most situations and the British are sticklers for adherence to protocol. The British are a bit more contained in their body language and hand gestures while speaking. They are generally more distant and reserved than North and South Americans and Southern Europeans, and may not initially appear to be as open or fiendly5. Friendships take longer to build; however, once established they tend to be deep and may last over time and distance.
Formerly a very homogenous society, since World War II, Britain has become increasingly diverse as it has accommodated large immigrant populations, particularly from its former colonies such as India, Pakistan and West Indies. The mixture of ethnic groups and cultures make it difficult to define "Britishness" nowadays and a debate rages within the nation as to what now really constitutes being a Briton.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kendy35912
Перевод!!!Many people have tried to simplify the spelling of English words. Unlike other languages, English spells the same sounds in very different ways. For example, there is ‘light’ but ‘white’, ‘loan’ but ‘phone’ and there are at least1 seven different ways of pronouncing the letters ‘ough’! Each of the following words is pronounced differently: ‘though’, ‘through’, ‘bough’, ‘cough’, ‘enough’, ‘ought’ and ‘thorough’.
The great Irish writer, George Bernard Shaw, was very interested in making English spelling more logical. The American president Theodore Roosevelt almost succeeded in doing this.
In 1906 one of the richest men in America, Andrew Carnegie, started the Simplified Spelling Board. This Board was a group of people whose plan was to make the spelling of words nearer to the way they sounded. For example, the word ‘though’ would be spelt ‘tho’, ‘through’ would become ‘thru’ (which it did, but much later), ‘enough’ would become ‘enuf’ and so on. Other people on the Board were Melvin Dewey, the head of the New York libraries, and Professor Brander Matthews of Columbia University.
They took the idea to President Roosevelt who thought it was a very good one. He immediately told the government printer to use the simplified spelling on all government letters.
But people do not like change – even change that makes life easier – and many people disliked the new, simpler spelling. The British – who probably thought they owned the English language – were particularly angry.
More importantly, when American politicians discussed the plan, they did not like it. As Roosevelt did not want to have a problem with the politicians, he changed his plans and told the printer to go back to the old way of spelling.
Since then no one in any government has dared to try to simplify English spelling. However, people do simplify many words, mainly in advertisements. We often see ‘tonite’ instead of ‘tonight’, for example, and ‘thru’ instead of ‘through’.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kendy35912
Перевод!!!Many experts on different subjects believe that there are already too many people in the world. Unless there are great changes in the way people think about the number of children they should have, the world’s population will double in twenty-five years. There will be more than 20 cities with population greater than 20 million people. At present there are only three.
Some people who do not understand what ‘overpopulation’ means point to countries such as Australia and say ‘But there is plenty of room there. The country is almost empty’. It is true that most of Australia is unpopulated, and much of it is very thinly populated, but there are reasons for this. Firstly, much of the land is desert and it is waterless, and secondly, even the land that is not desert is not suitable for anything, not even growing grass. Even with its present population of 17 million, Australia has serious water problems. Furthermore, if it has to feed more people, it will have less food to sell to other countries which, in turn, as their population grows, will have to buy more food from outside.
Another major problem we will have to face as the world’s population grows is a shortage of energy. We are using up coal and oil and when they have been exhausted, we will have to find something instead of them. It is true that we can make electricity from the heat of the sun and moving water, but we do not yet have the technology to produce great amounts of this energy.
Perhaps, though, the most urgent problem when the world’s population doubles will be pollution. The earth and the air we breathe are already badly polluted. Twice the number of people will cause twice the amount of pollution.
The world’s leaders have to solve many problems. Population control is the greatest. It is probably the one that many countries are doing the least about. Sadly, it is the poorer nations, especially in Africa, which have the greatest population growth, and their peoples will suffer even more than they are suffering now.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: elasagieva8622