Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vsan41

Choose the correct word or phrase
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Автор ответа: tishgell


1) for

2) to save

3) from taking




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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
Shaw Wrote a Play

Once a poor flower-girl, quite by chance, overheard a conversation between two gentlemen. One of the gentlemen was a professor of pho­netics. He was saying to the other that he could teach an uneducated person to speak good English. The girl was very much interested in what they were talking about. She tried to hear every word.
The fact was that she had for a long time been thinking of learning to speak correctly, and now she saw an excellent chance for herself. If she improved her manner of speaking the owners of the big flower shop would give her a job. She asked the two gentlemen to buy a few flowers from her and tried to speak to there but they didn't listen to her and soon went away.
The next day the girl came to the professor's house and asked him to give her lessons. The professor was very much surprised. At first he refused to teach her, saying that it was no use even trying, but then he agreed.
The results of the first lesson were poor. She couldn't produce proper English sounds and was tired of endless exercises. But soon the processor discovered that she was a clever girl. She took a great interest in her lessons and never missed a chance of practicing the sounds. As a result, her English became so good that the people who met her thought that she was a real lady.
The story of the girl can be found in one of Bernard Shaw's most popular plays.
to refuse - отказывать
proper – правильные

I. The text is about ...
1) a poor girl who worked hard at her English.
2) the work of the professor of phonetics.
3) the lilt of the rich gentleman.
4) the work of the flower-girl.

II. Complete the sentence according to the text.
The flower-girl wanted to...
1) get money from the two gentlemen.
2) learn where the two gentlemen lived.
3) take phonetics lessons.
4) give phonetics lessons.

III. Find the wrong statement.
1) The professor of phonetics gave lessons.
2) The flower-girl wanted to get a good job.
3) The professor could teach anyone to speak good English.
4) The professor wanted to get money from the girl.

IV. Answer the question.
What kind of man was the professor?
1) He was a man of his word.
2) He was a famous man.
3) He was a lazy man.
4) He was a poor man.

V. How can you explain why the girl started visiting the professor's house?
1) She wanted to find a rich husband.
2) She wanted to get a job in his house.
3) She wanted to improve her phonetics.
4) She wanted to spend time with a nice mail.

VI. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
She never missed a chance of practicing the sounds.
1) an occasion 2) an opportunity 3) an event 4) a case
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
The City

The City occupies a site which was Norman London. It is a very small part of London (only one square mile). About ten thousand people live in the City but about 500,000 of them work there.
The City can still show the remains of its defensive wall and some other signs of the Roman time. In other parts of the City almost every stone, every wall, every house is Saxon or Norman or connected with some famous man, book or historical event.
The City of London was described by a Roman historian as a “busy emporium for trade and traders” and this description could have been applied to it at any time since then. The City still remains one of the most important commercial centres in the world.
All the principal streets lead to the heart of the City, which is represented by three buildings: the Mansion House, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England.
The Mansion House is where the Lord Mayor lives. This is a big house built in 1739s53 which reminds us of Greek temple. The Lord Mayor also receives the guests of London there.
The Bank of England or as the Londoners call it “The Old Lady” is 250 years old and is a huge building seven storeys high. It is one of the most important banks in the world.
The Royal Exchange has been burnt down three times by fire and three times rebuilt. It is a place of business and public meetings.
There are also a lot of insurance companies, offices and churches in the City.
emporium - центр
temple - xpaм

I. The text is about ...
1) historical and business importance of the City.
2) Lord Mayor's residence.
3) principal business buildings of the City.
4) the territory and the population of the City.

II. Complete the sentence according to the text.
The City is a commercial and business part of London as ...
1) about ten thousand people live there.
2) all the principal streets lead to the heart of the City.
3) it is an area with a long history.
4) many offices, insurance companies, banks are concentrated there.

III. Choose the right sentence.
1) The City is a recently built part of London where one can't see any signs of ancient time.
2) The Mansion House reminds us of a Greek temple.
3) Many people live in the City but only a few of them work there.
4) Londoners call the Royal Exchange “The Old Lady” because it is a huge building seven storeys high.

IV. Find the wrong statement.
1) The Mansion House is a residence of Lord Mayor.
2) The Lord Mayor receives the guests of London in the Mansion House.
3) The Mansion House was built in the eighteenth century.
4) There are a lot of insurance companies and offices in the Mansion House.

V. Arrange the sentences according to the text.
1) The City of London was described by a Roman historian.
2) In the City one can see many signs of the Roman time.
3) The Royal Exchange has been burnt down three times by fire.
4) All the principal streets lead to the heart of the City.

1) 4, 1, 2, 3 2) 2, 1, 4, 3 3) 4, 2, 3, 1 4) 1, 2, 4, 3

VI. What word is different?
1) famous 2) well-known 3) notorious 4) popular