Предмет: Русский язык, автор: hesenzadenilufer3

Образуйте слова с беглой гласной. Запишите полученные слова в три столбика в зависимости от того, в какой части слова находятся беглые гласные. Образец: ветер – ветра; собирать - собрать. Угол, сон, ремень, городок, запереть, пень, окно, день, камень, отец, подарок, подозвать, лев, отобрать, шнурок, перервать, крючок, подогнать, подослать, огурец, надорвать.​

aliyevanezrin74: привет
aliyevanezrin74: вы что-то хотели?


Автор ответа: meherremzade198

Ответ: в приставке;







В корне;










В суффиксе;



rashadsafarov76: Можешь сказать?
rashadsafarov76: Это оч срочно!
rashadsafarov76: А так спасибо ❤️
illkinsaffarovv: zcc
illkinsaffarovv: спасибо большое,но ты пропустил одно слово окно
illkinsaffarovv: *окно
illkinsaffarovv: я думаю что слово окно будет окна
valiyevailahe7: Спасибо большое за ответы
aliyevanezrin74: Огромное спасибо ♥️
xayale280482: . Спасибо большое за ответ
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
Charlie Chaplin

This is a story that Chaplin liked to tell about himself. It happened after the great actor had become world famous.
A theatre announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act one of the roles in a Chaplin film.
When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. Naturally, he kept his plan a secret from everybody.
When the results of the competition were announced Chaplin said: “1 didn't know whether to feel angry or only surprised. I didn't win the first prize. But after thinking about it, I decided that it would be best to laugh.”

I. Complete the statements according to the text.
1. This is a story which...
1) Chaplin was fond of telling.
2) is written by Chaplin's friend.
3) was announced at the competition.
4) happened before Chaplin had become world famous.
2. People who took part in the competition had to...
1) sing songs.
2) keep it a secret.
3) imitate Chaplin's manners.
4) dance.
3. When the results of the competition were announced Chaplin learnt that...
1) his new film was a success.
2) lie had won the first prize.
3) lie had not won the first prize.
4) he had won the second prize.
4. When Chaplin learnt the news lie decided...
1) to be angry.
2) to keep it a secret.
3) to tell everybody about it.
4) to laugh.

II. Find the wrong sentence.
1) Chaplin didn't take pail in the competition.
2) Chaplin didn't allow to hold this competition.
3) Chaplin didn't know about the competition.
4) Chaplin didn't tell anybody about his plans.

III. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act one of the roles in a Chaplin film.
1) play
2) picture
3) cinema
4) performance
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
The phonograph was invented quite by accident. In 1876 Thomas Edison moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he established an industrial research laboratory. There Edison worked on a carbon telephone transmitter to improve the existing Bell system.
In that laboratory a year later Edison invented the phonograph while trying to improve a telegraph repeater.
He attached a telephone diaphragm to the needle in the telegraph repeater to produce a recording that could be played back. After some improvements to the machine he recited “Marry Had a Little Lamb” and played the recognizable reproduction of his voice back to the astonished audience.
phonograph – фонограф
carbon transmitter – микрофон с угольным электродом
diaphragm – мембрана

I. Choose the title to the text.
1) Thomas Edison's research laboratory
2) Improvements in the Telephone and Telegraph
3) The history of Menlo Park
4) A Surprise Invention

II. Complete the statements according to the text.
1. File invention of the phonograph ...
I) was quite unplanned.
2) was Edison's principle project.
3) was surprising to no one. 4) took many years.
2. The phonograph was made ...
1) with a telephone needle and a recorder.
2) from only a telephone diaphragm.
3) with only a telegraph repeater.
4) from a combination of telephone and telegraph parts.
3. After Edison made improvements to the machine, he ...
1) made the reproduction of his voice recognizable.
2) used a carbon transmitter.
3) read a children's rhyme.
4) reproduced the audience's voice.

III. Find the sentence with the verb in the Past Indefinite Passive.
1) A year later Edison invented the phonograph while trying to improve a telegraph repeater.
2) There Edison worked on a carbon telephone transmitter to improve the existing Bell system.
3) The phonograph was invented quite by accident.
4) He recited “Many Had a Little Lamb”.

IV. Choose the synonym to tile underlined word.
He played the recognizable reproduction of his voice back to the astonished audience.
1) frightened
2) amazed
3) irritated
4) tired
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
Going in for Sports

At the end of the week Father usually gets good ideas. Last Saturday when he was looking through the newspaper he found an article about skiing. He read it and said: “I don't remember when we last went skiing. What about trying it tomorrow?”
Everybody liked the idea so we started our preparations immediately. All of us wanted to look smart. Jane took out her sports clothes. Mother sent me out to buy skiing caps. When I came back she was mending Father's old trousers. She got angry when she saw the caps as they were all the same colour.
Late at night our clothes were ready and we could go to bed.
At 10 o'clock in the morning I suddenly woke up. The women were still sleeping. “Wake up everybody,” I shouted. “Stop joking in a silly way,” Mother said from her bedroom. “What about skiing?” I asked Father who was coming out of the bathroom. He paid no attention to my words. At breakfast he was reading his morning newspaper as usual and suddenly exclaimed: “Look, they say, swimming is the best way of losing weight. What about trying it?”

I. Answer the questions.
1. Where did the father get his idea of skiing from?
1) a newspaper article
2) a television programme
3) a sports review
4) a radio report
2. Why did the family start their preparations immediately?
1) They were a sporty sort of people.
2) They wanted to look smart.
3) They liked the idea of skiing.
4) They didn't want to waste time.
3. What happened in the morning?
1) The family went skiing.
2) The family went swimming.
3) The family was ready for skiing.
4) The family wasn’t going to ski.
4. What did the father say to the boy's question about skiing?
1) He asked him to stop joking.
2) I le didn't say anything.
3) He told the so that he didn’t like the idea of skiing.
4) He answered that they would go skiing next Saturday.

II. Find the sentence with the verb in the Past Continuous.
1) I don't remember when we last went skiing.
2) “Stop joking in a silly way,” Mother said from her bedroom.
3) At breakfast lie was reading his morning newspaper as usual.
4) Swimming is the best way of losing weight.

III. To ‘mend’ trousers means:
1) to clean
2) to wash
3) to press
4) to repair