Предмет: Литература, автор: golovaanzelika4

Що надає опису зимової ночі поетичність?

Твір„ніч перед різдвом"


Автор ответа: yuriyorivenko83


"Ніч перед Різдвом" - це непередавані відчуття чарівництва, таїнства ворожінь, містики нечистої сили та атмосфери кохання, веселощів, морозного нічного гуляння.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
On a beautiful afternoon, in a year long gone, a big ship set out on its first voyage from England to America. It was a new ship called the “Titanic”.
For two days the “Titanic” went on its way over the sea. Then entered an ice-field and was hit by an iceberg.
Everyone was told to come out of their rooms. The men were putting the lifeboats over the sides of the ship down into the water. Then all the women and children were helped into the lifeboats.
A woman came to the side of the ship. Her two children were in oil, of the lifeboats, and she was very much afraid.
“My children are in the lifeboat. I must go with them!” the woman called to the people in the lifeboat.
“There's no more room,” someone called out. “If we take one more the lifeboat will sink.”
There was a young woman in the lifeboat called Miss Evans. When she heard the woman calling, she stood up in the lifeboat and touched one of the men on the arm.
“Let me get back on to the ship,” she said. “Let that woman take my place. I have no children.”
“The ship is sinking,” said the man. “You know that?”
There was no time to talk. People helped Miss Evans to get back on to the ship. Very soon after that there was a great noise, and the “Titanic” went down under the water.
set out - отправился
called out – воскликнул

I. The text is about ...
1) a voyage from England to America.
2) brave sailors.
3) a new ship called the “Titanic” .
4) The courage of Miss Evans.
II. Choose tile right sentence.
1) The “Titanic” left America.
2) The “Titanic” went to England.
3) The “Titanic” left for America.
4) The “Titanic” sailed in the direction of England.

III. Complete the sentence.
In the lifeboat there was ...
1) not a room for a single person.
2) nobody to take care of the children.
3) no food and water.
4) not enough fresh air.

IV. Find the wrong statement.
1) Miss Evans was a young woman.
2) Miss Evans knew that the ship was sinking.
3) Miss Evans had no children.
4) Miss Evans got into another lifeboat.

V. Answer the question.
Why did Miss Evans get back to the ship?
1) She left her documents there.
2) She wanted to continue her voyage.
3) She gave her place in tile lifeboat to the children's mother.
4) She thought that the lifeboat could sink.

VI. Choose the title to the text.
1) The “Titanic” Voyage
2) A Courageous Woman
3) In the Ocean
4) A Big Iceberg
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alia07jk
Shaw Wrote a Play

Once a poor flower-girl, quite by chance, overheard a conversation between two gentlemen. One of the gentlemen was a professor of pho­netics. He was saying to the other that he could teach an uneducated person to speak good English. The girl was very much interested in what they were talking about. She tried to hear every word.
The fact was that she had for a long time been thinking of learning to speak correctly, and now she saw an excellent chance for herself. If she improved her manner of speaking the owners of the big flower shop would give her a job. She asked the two gentlemen to buy a few flowers from her and tried to speak to there but they didn't listen to her and soon went away.
The next day the girl came to the professor's house and asked him to give her lessons. The professor was very much surprised. At first he refused to teach her, saying that it was no use even trying, but then he agreed.
The results of the first lesson were poor. She couldn't produce proper English sounds and was tired of endless exercises. But soon the processor discovered that she was a clever girl. She took a great interest in her lessons and never missed a chance of practicing the sounds. As a result, her English became so good that the people who met her thought that she was a real lady.
The story of the girl can be found in one of Bernard Shaw's most popular plays.
to refuse - отказывать
proper – правильные

I. The text is about ...
1) a poor girl who worked hard at her English.
2) the work of the professor of phonetics.
3) the lilt of the rich gentleman.
4) the work of the flower-girl.

II. Complete the sentence according to the text.
The flower-girl wanted to...
1) get money from the two gentlemen.
2) learn where the two gentlemen lived.
3) take phonetics lessons.
4) give phonetics lessons.

III. Find the wrong statement.
1) The professor of phonetics gave lessons.
2) The flower-girl wanted to get a good job.
3) The professor could teach anyone to speak good English.
4) The professor wanted to get money from the girl.

IV. Answer the question.
What kind of man was the professor?
1) He was a man of his word.
2) He was a famous man.
3) He was a lazy man.
4) He was a poor man.

V. How can you explain why the girl started visiting the professor's house?
1) She wanted to find a rich husband.
2) She wanted to get a job in his house.
3) She wanted to improve her phonetics.
4) She wanted to spend time with a nice mail.

VI. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
She never missed a chance of practicing the sounds.
1) an occasion 2) an opportunity 3) an event 4) a case
Предмет: Музыка, автор: gavrilyatova