Помогите, пожалуйста!!❤️ Даю много баллов, очень важно ✨

Условие некорректное! В задании приведены условные не только 1-го типа!
1 comes, won't let
2 put on, will make
3 If you hadn't arrived ten minutes late, you would have got a seat. (3d type)
4 If you hadn't been in such a hurry, you wouldn't have put sugar...
5 If I had realized what a bad driver you were I wouldn't have come with you.
6 asks, will accept
7 would have been arrested.
8 Ice turns to water if you heat it.
9 But for him, I wouldn't have taken part in the concert yesterday.
10 would be sent
11 will arrest, catch
12 didn't live, wouldn't go there
13 weren't ill, wouldn't go
14 wouldn't take, knew
15 hadn't broken, wouldn't have had to pay
16 had told
17 would do
18 would have lost
19 hadn't read, wouldn't have ruined
20 If you hadn't believed what I said, you would have asked your mother.
21 If she is tired, she won't play basketball today.
1. comes, won't let
2. put on, will make
3. don't come, will get
4. aren't, won't put
5. had realized, wouldn't come
6. asks, will accept
7.will arest
8.will turn
9. would take part
10. would send
11.will arest, catch
12. don't live, won't go
13. don't be ill, won't go
14. won't take, know
15. doesn't break, won't have to pay
16. tell
17. will do
18. would lose
19. read, won't ruin
20. don't believe, will ask
21. is, won't play
Conditional 1:
Образование: If + V/Vs .... , will+V
p/s в задании использовался не только 1 тип.