Предмет: Русский язык, автор: blackhyper694

прочитайте отрывок из сочинения ученицы. Переведите его на русккий язык. Где находятся имена прилагателюьные по отношеню к существительным в русском и румынском языка
Mama mea are 35 de ani si este o femeie foarte frumoasa. Este scunda, are ochi caprui si patrunzatori, iar parul lung si castaniu il are mereu aranjat si pieptanat. Ochii ei sant blanzi si ma privesc intotdeauna cu dragoste, duiosie si caldura. De multe ori cu o simpla privire reuseste sa ma calmeze sa ma incurajeze


Автор ответа: hoaa

Моей маме 35 лет, и она очень красивая женщина. Она невысокого роста, у нее карие, проницательные глаза, а ее длинные, каштановые волосы всегда уложены и зачесаны.Ее глаза мягкие, и она всегда смотрит на меня с любовью, нежностью и теплотой.Много раз простым взглядом, ей удавалось меня успокаивать и ободрять.

blackhyper694: сорри за адно 1 звездо перепутал
hoaa: Незачто))
hoaa: Можно в лучший ответ?
hoaa: Очень нужно))
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Ответы с объяснением, заранее спасибочки:3

Variant 2

1.Your test is good, but mine is ____.
a) well b) best c) worst d) better
2. _____ any people in the room?
a) there are b) there is c) are there d) there are no
3. Look! She _____ a car!
a) drives b) driving c) is driving d) drive
4.I want to buy ____ umbrella.
a) the b) an c) a d) -
5.The train hasn't arrived _____.
a) already b) still c) yet d) just
6.Albert's worked for this company _____ 1999.
a) since b) then c) for a) after
7. ______to New York ??
a) Has he ever gone
b) Did he ever go
c) You went
d) Has he ever been
8. John studies law. He _____ a lawyer.
a) Is going to be b) going to be
c) will be d) is
9. Who ______ French in your group?
a) does speak b) speak c) speaks d) are speaking
10. We've been _______ Turkey three times
a) In
b) to
c) at
d) from
11.The house _____ of straw.
a) makes b) made c) is made d) is making
12. The seven wonders of the world were _____ architectural monuments.
a) amazing b) the most amazing c) more amazing d) amazingest
13. ______ you finish writing the tests we will check them up.
a) when b) if c) since d) then
14. What ______ this weekend ??
a) Is you doing b) do you do c) do you d) are you doing
15. I've never ______ karate.
a) been b) done c) made d) gone
16. Sophie is not very good _______ doing complicated projects.
a) to b) in c) at d) for
17. Our fans ______upset if we ____.
a) will be... lose
b) will be... will lose
c) are...will lose
d) are...lose
18. If I _____you, I would use all the options of your cell phone.
a) am b) was c) be d) were
19. The students _____ tests online if they ______ access to the Internet.
a) will take... had
b) would take... have
c) would take... had
d) took... would have
We ______ the street when we saw a black cat.
a) crossed b) crossing c) were crossing d) were crossed