4. Choose the correct word in the brackets. hill,river, island, mountain, ocean, sea, forest, lake
1) In a desert there isn't any water. (lake, river, desert)
2) I'm afraid of the because it's deep. (sea, hill, desert)
3) Aisuluu is swimming in the (mountain, river, island)
4) There are many rabbits in the (forest, hill, island)
5) My brother is a climber. He likes climbing (lakes, forests, mountains)
6) The Atlantic Ocean is one of the five (rivers, oceans, seas)
7) Robinson Crusoe lived alone on the (island, desert, river)
8) Ramil jumped into the (mountain, forest, lake)
9) Their house is at the top of the (island, hill, ocean)
Чтобы выполнить это задание, нужно знать значение слов, приведенных в скобках.
desert - ['dezət] - пустыня
hill - [hɪl] - холм
river - ['rɪvə] - река
island - ['aɪlənd] - остров
mountain - ['mauntɪn] - гора
ocean - ['əuʃ(ə)n] - океан
sea - [si:] - море
forest - ['fɔrɪst] - лес
lake - [leɪk] - озеро
1) In a desert there isn't any water.
В пустыне нет воды.
2) I'm afraid of the sea because it's deep.
Я боюсь моря, потому что оно глубокое.
3) Aisuluu is swimming in the river.
Айсулуу купается в реке.
4) There are many rabbits in the forest.
В лесу много кроликов.
5) My brother is a climber. He likes climbing mountains.
Мой брат альпинист. Ему нравится лазать по горам.
6) The Atlantic Ocean is one of the five oceans.
Атлантический океан - один из пяти океанов.
7) Robinson Crusoe lived alone on the island.
Робинзон Крузо жил один на острове.
8) Ramil jumped into the lake.
Рамиль прыгнул в озеро.
9) Their house is at the top of the hill.
Их дом находится на вершине холма.