Предмет: Русский язык, автор: lenohka1212

написать рассказ из 5 предложений на тему "Весело зимой".Следи за тем ,чтобы они раскрывали главную мысль ,вынесенную в заголовке


Автор ответа: 1014123
Вот и настала зима!!
Все мамы говорят одевайтесь детки теплее и гулять они тепло одеваютсья и бегом на улицу!
Когда я выхожу на улицу,то вижу,что все дети ищуть себе забаву.После школы, дети любят пойти покататься на горку. Вот весело на горке с друзьями! А ещё мы любим ходить на каток. Там катаются на коньках по льду. А ещё я люблю лепить снеговика, это очень забавно и интересно! Вот как я люблю зиму! 
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Vvalentina2016

Choose the correct option.
1.What does the suffix -ful do to the word house in the sentence below ? We had a houseful that weekend.
a. It tells you that our house was empty that weekend
b. It tells you that our house was mess that weekend
c. It tells you that we had lots of people staying in our house that weekend

2.What does the word tireless mean?
a. always felling tired
b. never felling tired
c. felling less tired than someone else

3.If you wanted to say someone is not helpful, which word would you use?
a. inhelpful
b. unhelpful
c. helpfulless

4.which of these is the correct spelling ? we had a ---------------.
a. disagreement
b. dissagreement
c. disagrement

5.Its ---------------- to speak to him,hes very stubborn.
a. useful
b. use
c. useless
d. user

6.Water in Armenia is ------------------,you can take it directly from the tap.
a. drinkable
b. undrinkable
c. curable
d. incurable

7.Which one is NOT possible ? This steak is completely ----------------------,its cold and tough.
a. edible
b. inedible
c. uneatable
d. diseatable

8.Safe is an adjective, what is its related noun?
a. safely
b. safer
c. safety
d. safeness

9.He -------------------- sailed around the world in 72 days.
a. successful
b. successfully
c. succeed
d. unsuccessfully

10.Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ship ?
a. citizen
b. friend
c. clock
d. member

11. You always have to fasten your ------------------- belt when you travel by plane.
a. safe
b. safety
c. safeable
d. saving

12. Suffix -ship means
a. connected with
b. a state or action
c. a person who does something as a job or hobby
d. pertaining to or referring to

13. Suffix -ment means
a. not having something
b. a state, action, or quality
c. in a particular way
d. the art or science of