Questions about you
3 Are you going to do any of hese things after the
lesson? Ask and answer the questions with a
1 watch TV
Are you going to watch TV?
Yes, I am No, I'm not.
2 have a coffee
3 catch a bus
4 eat in a restaurant
5 meet some friends
6 cook a meal
7 go shopping
8 wash your hair
9 do your homework
2 Are you going to have a coffee?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
3 Are you going to catch a bus?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
4 Are you going to eat in a restaurant?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
5 Are you going to meet some friends?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
6 Are you going to cook a meal?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
7 Are you going to go shopping?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
8 Are you going to wash your hair?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
9 Are you going to do your homework?
Yes, I am/No, I'm not.
2. Ты собираешься/будешь пить кофе?
3. Ты собираешься ехать на автобусе?
4. Ты собираешься кушать в ресторане?
5. Ты собираешься встретиться с друзьями?
6. Ты собираешься что-то готовить?
7. Ты собираешься заняться шоппингом?
8. Ты будешь мыть свою голову (волосы)?
9. Ты собираешься делать свою работу по дому?