Предмет: Биология, автор: mobi20200220

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розповідь про водорості хару та ульву на тему: "а ви знали що......"​


Автор ответа: annabunchuk17


A ви знали що Ульва дуже швидко росте, будучи дуже тонкою. Тіло має форму пластинки, розвиваеться талом із зооспори. Ця водорість має солонуватий смак. Водорість має яскраво-зелений колір.

Може розмножуватись вегетативним та статевим способом. Поширена в прибережній зоні морів. Є ще одна цікава водорость це Хара. Висота становить от 10 см до 2 метрів! Це дуже поражає. Але бокові гілки обмеженого росту. Хара не має стебел, листя коронів. Їхне тіло багатоклітинна слань.  Для них також характерне статеве та не статеве розмноження.

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From 11th to 19th July 1998 in Moscow, capital of Russia, hosted the world Youth Games. There were more than 7,000 young athletes and age from 11 to 18 years from 140 countries.
The motto of the IG R was the phrase "Open World" and became the emblem of a boy and a girl holding hands and running together. The mascot of the Games was a bear cub Mishutka, the cousin Bears the Olympic summer Games in Moscow in 1980.
Progamma Hip consisted of .sports events and cultural programs. Sports activities included the 15 most popular sports: futbol. volleyball, basketball, swimming, denim, athletics and others, ike the types included in the sports and cultural program of many countries.
On SRH were also cultural events: for example, international discussion: 1-if I was President of the international Olympic Committee," project "Marathon of the 21st century. Sport against AIDS and drugs".
The cultural program was equally interesting and sporstmena and guests Hip. They were shown the national culture and traditions of Russia's national sports, games, songs and Thais, as well as drawings and whine ry young Russians.
In international club hosted meetings with Olympic Champions of different nationalities and Days of National cultures. Girls and boys of different Negro races and relig iy could meet and stay at the club.
The cultural program included travel at the best historical and cultural centers of Moscow, theatre performances and visits to museums.
Предмет: Информатика, автор: kovalelizavetka