Предмет: Английский язык, автор: BTS7756

Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи дієслова у необхідному часі.1. Ви все ще вивчасте англійську мову? Так. Я вивчаю вже два роки. Міи вчитель каже і я відчуваю, що я досяг успіху у навчанні. 2. Ми плануємо вилетіти завтра, якщо нічого не трапиться. 3 Я давно не бачив своїх друзів. Я хочу, щоб вони приїхали на мій день народження. Весь вечір ми будемо cпілкуватися.4. Коли він повернеться з обідньої перерви? Ми чекаємо його вже п'ятнадцять хвилин, а він іще не прийшов. Якщо він не з'явиться за десять хвилин, ми підемо. 5. Коли вона з'явилась у офісі, вона помітила, що всі з подивом дивляться на неї. Вона зрозуміла, що зanізнилась. 6. Ти не знаєш, куди я поклала свою чорну сумку? Я намагаюсь знайти її вже півгодини. Ти не бачила її? - Вчора я бачила її у тій кімнаті. 7. Bін думав, що весь вечір буде займатися виключно своіми справами. Але він помилився: дружина попросила його піти в магазин. 8. Я колись давно читав цю книжку. Зараз я перечитую її з великим задоволенням. 9. Твоя мама вже повернулась з роботи? Я хочу поговорити з нею. Hi, iї ще немає, але вона прийде додому за годину. 10. Ми працюємо вже три години, але ще не стомились. Давайте попрацюємо ще дві години. Якщо ми стомимось раніше, ми зробимо перерву. 11. Коли я зайшов до школи, я побачив, що мій вчитель розмовляє з двома учнями. Я підійшов до нього лише після того, як учні пішли. 12. Biн вже переклав текст?-Так, він переклав його до сьомої години. 13. Я хочу знати, чи вони вже отримали необхідну інформацію. 14. Ваша сестра студентка?-Ні, вона вже закінчила iнститут. Вона закінчила його рік тому. 15. Якщо піде дощ і погода буде вітряною, моя бабуся погано почуватиме себе.​


Автор ответа: kolunvaleriia


1. Are you still learning English? So. I have been studying for two years. My teacher says and I feel that I have succeeded in my studies. 2. We plan to take off tomorrow if nothing happens. 3 I haven't seen my friends in a long time. I want them to come for my birthday. We will talk all evening.4. When will he return from the lunch break? We've been waiting for him for fifteen minutes, and he hasn't arrived yet. If he doesn't show up in ten minutes, we'll leave. 5. When she appeared in the office, she noticed that everyone was looking at her in surprise. She realized she was lost. 6. You don't know where I put my black bag? I've been trying to find her for half an hour. Didn't you see her? "I saw her in that room yesterday."7. Bin thought that he would be doing his business all evening. But he was wrong: his wife asked him to go to the store. 8. I once read this book a long time ago. Now I reread it with great pleasure. 9. Has your mother already returned from work? I want to talk to her. Hi, she's not here yet, but she'll be home in an hour. 10. We have been working for three hours, but we are not tired yet. Let's work for another two hours. If we get tired earlier, we will take a break. 11. When I went to school, I saw my teacher talking to two students. I approached him only after the students left. 12. Has Bin already translated the text? -Yes, he translated it by seven o'clock. 13. I want to know if they have already received the necessary information. 14. Is your sister a student? -No, she has already graduated from the institute. She graduated a year ago. 15. If it rains and the weather is windy, my grandmother will feel bad.

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It was almost daylight. Hearne looked at the watch, and took the kit. Everything was ready. Under his flying suit in the inside pocket of the jacket were the letters and photograph and the identification papers.
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​​"Good luck, yourselves!" Hearne said. And then he was diving through air. He started to count. "Not too soon, not too late," he said to himself. "Don't think about what happens if the parachute does not work." He restrained himself from pulling the rip cord. Он сдерживал себя, чтобы не потянуть шнур. Not yet: the longer he fell, the quicker, the safer. He pulled the cord. It was not going to work. It was not going to - Then the feeling of being pulled backward in the sky again, then slow floating... He looked down at the fields. He could see a wood to the south. He pulled on the ropes. And then the ground seemed to rise up to meet him. As he landed, his right arm grasped the control rope, and the clip on his belt automatically released the parachute as it pulled him forward. That was all.
​​Hearne rose to his feet. He must reach the trees before the light. He could not leave the parachute here. He pulled and pulled. Then holding the bundle in front of him he half-ran towards the wood.
​​He finished the last twenty yards in a spurt... The trees closed in around and he fell on his parachute. At last he could breathe normally again. Then he began to work with his clasp knife, cutting the turf into squares. It took time, but in the end he had packed the parachute into the hole, then the flying suit and the helmet, and over them he put the turf and some stones.
He looked at the watch. Three hours ago he had spoken with the pilot over a last cup of hot chocolate. Three hour ago he had stood on English earth. Three hours ago he had been Martin Hearne with twenty seven years of his own life behind him. Now he was Bertrand Corlay, with twenty-six years of another man's life. He looked down at the uniform which had been Corlay's, felt once more for the papers in the inside pocket. From now on he wouldn't only have to speak, but think, in French.
He had some time now after he had got rid of the parachute and flying suit.
It was cold and damp. He thought of Bertrand Corlay in his white hospital bed in England. If Matthew had not been examining French and Belgian wounded, if he had not seen Corlay, believed he was Hearne, and then notified Military Intelligence that one of their men had just got back among the prisoners of war, then the scheme would never have been born in Matthew's
head. Two days after he had seen Corlay, he had not only the idea, but also the
go-ahead signal from his department. A week before the French-German
armistice he sent for Hearne.​
"How would you like to spend a summer in France?" he asked.
"But I have just come back from there."
"Brittany, this time. That should interest you, Hearne."
It did, in spite of the fact that for the last month he had not slept in a clean bed, or seen a bathroom.
"When do I go?" he asked. Brittany... well that was something.
"In about two or three weeks. If there is an armistice, then we shall use you. Every Frenchman who can get back to his home will go there. You are to be one of the Frenchmen who get back to France, and stay there."
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