Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Arinamaly12

Срочно! Сочинение про Арсения Попова на английском 80-100 слов ​


Автор ответа: dlevickij136

Ответ: Arseny was born on March 20, 1983 in the city of Omsk in a family that did not imply creative abilities in children. Mom and Dad were engineers with a corresponding analytical mindset. They really wanted their son to choose an occupation in life related to economics and mathematics.

But dad Arseny, despite his serious profession, has an excellent sense of humor, those around him are always funny if he jokes. The father can defuse even the most ridiculous situation. The son inherited this quality from him. Together they often made fun of my mother, but she never took offense, everything was natural. At first, Arseny grew up as a shy child, he was embarrassed to speak at matinees in the kindergarten. But at school, his humorous talent was revealed. In the class, he was a leader and ringleader, he liked to be in the spotlight. He was especially fond of KVN, headed the school team.

In childhood, Arseny did not have nicknames, but since he has a long name of seven letters, he was called (and is called now) either Ars or Senya. He likes the first option, he hates the second.

After school, Popov went to study economics at the Omsk University, because his parents wanted so. And then he changed his mind and began to receive an acting education, because he himself wanted it. Everything turned out spontaneously. While studying at the Faculty of Economics, he did an internship at a bank. One day he suddenly clearly imagined his future life - he will graduate from the institute, get a job in this bank, and will rise to the head of a department. It became so dreary and sad that he took the documents and transferred to the acting specialty of the Faculty of Culture and Art.

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