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1.Annie and Pete were dancing
2.Sarah and Bill were sitting on the sofa
3.Katie was choosing a CD
4.Max was drinking champagne
5.Beth and Dave were eating crisps
6.Justin was showing Lucinda a photograph
7.Harry was smoking a cigar
8.James was telling a joke
2. Annie and Pete were dancing
3. Sarah and Bill were sitting on the sofa
4. Katie was choosing a CD
5. Max was drinking champagne
6. Beth and Dave were eating crisps
7. Justin was showing Lucinda a photograph
8. Harry was smoking a cigar
9. James was telling a joke
past continuous образуется:
в утверждениях: подлежащее+was/were*+Ving (глагол с окончанием -ing)
в отрицаниях: подлежащее+wasn't (was not)/weren't (were not)+Ving
в вопросах: Was/Were+подлежащее+Ving
* - was/were - глагол be в прошедшем времени. Для I, he, she, it - was
для you, we, they - were